Wasting Time @ Work
The infamous John Cook @ Skeptical Science notes that there is a live feed from the AGU Chapman Climate Communications Conference. Bunnies can even ask for carrots.
Eli meant to behave but there were way too many options.
The infamous John Cook @ Skeptical Science notes that there is a live feed from the AGU Chapman Climate Communications Conference. Bunnies can even ask for carrots.
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10:57 AM
Bob Wards analysis of the UK is interesting. Seems that it will take a lot to turn around the UK post-email theft.
Uh oh..., I think that I may have a fat head coming on....
I tweeted a link to my "global temperature virtual machine" to #climatechapman: https://twitter.com/caerbannog666/status/343763616333451264
And lookie who re-tweeted it!
I'm up to my armpits in the grand-conspiracy now!
--caerbannog the anonybunny
caerbannog, what about that cheque from Al Gore?
Off topic, but since I don't know how to Email you, you might be interested in this:
Rich Puchalsky, thanks a lot. I didn't know about PERI, but I know about Robert Pollin (author of book, Contours of Descent) and Gerald Epstein (contributes to valuable magazine Dollars and Sense).
caerbannog, what about that cheque from Al Gore?
No cheque -- just duffel-bags of cash, in unmarked non-sequential bills.
Oh, Al... I'm still waiting for that first duffel-bag. You haven't forgotten about me, have you??
--caerbannog the "I'm still waiting for my share of the loot" anonybunny
The people at PERI also did the study that found the problems with the Reinhart / Rogoff 90% austerity number. (Well, the two professors who co-authored the paper are at PERI. The lead author, the grad student, I'm not sure about.)
I've been working with them for a while on their Toxic 100 project. But we recently branched out into greenhouse gas work -- basically, taking the polluting facilities in the U.S., as reported to an EPA database, and adding them up by parent company. I was surprised by how much of the U.S. total emissions comes from a few companies.
Rich, the list was not very surprising, electric generators, oil companies, and the odd concrete/lime producer. What would be interesting would be a ranking of the electricity producters by percentage of coal/gas/nuclear/renewables.
Anything that looks at just electricity producers has been done often already, because they're very well studied and monitored in the U.S. both by EPA and DOE. NRDC has a "Benchmarking" yearly report that does just what you're talking about, I think.
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