Comment of the Year
Over @ Lucia's
(Comment #127748)
April 3rd, 2014 at 9:14 am
Eli meant to behave but there were way too many options.
Over @ Lucia's
Craig Loehle (Comment #127748)
April 3rd, 2014 at 9:14 am
Posted by
9:14 PM
Lagomorphs, like loxodonts, don't forget.
Rib Smokin' Bunny
Loxodonts with one eyesocket don't focus well on double negatives - will someone please defog what the first sentence means ?
How many people have spotted the howler of a logical fallacy from Lucia on that thread?
It's enough to make one's toes curl, and to wonder at her capacity for rational thinking.
That RC link that Eli posted makes for a rollicking good read. Craig Loehle, meet kettle.
I should point out that Loehle made some corrections to his 2007 paper (the one that was pretty thoroughly pierced on RC) in Loehle & McCullough 2008. Oddly, though, after having acquired a statistically knowledgeable co-author (apparently they met in the comments section of Climate Audit), Loehle proceeded to ignore the gist of McCullough's advice, relegating it to a largely ignored "supplemental information" section of LM08 (bearing McCullough's name alone) that is omitted from the main .pdf and is pretty hard to find even with The Google.
The reason for this ejection from Eden is easy to see when one examines McCullough's supplemental, wherein he correctly weights each of Loehle's time series by the inverse of their individual errors, and by so doing reduces the magnitude of the Medieval Warm Period by a significant amount, rendering it less that current temps. Horrors! But the supremacy of the MWP was the result Loehle had intended to show, thus the correctly computed supplemental goes down the memory hole. Standard.
but.... the Loehle & McCullough 2008 reconstruction features in the AR5 WGI Chapter 5 figure 5.7 along with the other hockey stick graphs, a bit more peaky than the others in Medieval times but even there well below modern measured temperatures.
Is the IPCC slipping up in Suppressing The Truth, or has Loehle caved in to the system and forgone his Martyrdom?
dave the protobunny..
Brer Rabett, sad day for you and your bosom buddy,Russell. Frontier through Lew under the bus. Who should have known? -Oh
Interesting KAP, but not surprising that Loehle would do that.
Loehle is projecting big time in that comment. His latest paper that he managed to get into print in a journal despite it being outside the journal's mandate, is nothing but an exercise in curve fitting and mathurbation with magical cycles.
How did he get it published despite it being outside the journal's mandate? When take a gander of the editors.
"Brer Rabett, sad day for you and your bosom buddy,Russell. Frontier through Lew under the bus. Who should have known? -Oh"
Given that the blog post directly contradicts the official statement the journal made earlier, I'd say it's a great day for "Lew". It simply underscores how screwed up the journal's actions have been in regard to the paper. UWA legal stands behind it, and the university is standing behind the researcher as firmly as one can imagine. The paper is still available online. Its popularity has soared as a result of its retraction.
dhogaza,"Given that the blog post directly contradicts the official statement the journal made earlier, I'd say it's a great day for "Lew". It simply underscores how screwed up the journal's actions have been in regard to the paper. UWA legal stands behind it, and the university is standing behind the researcher as firmly as one can imagine. The paper is still available online. Its popularity has soared as a result of its retraction.
Members of the warmist cult have an unlimited capacity to rationalize. It truly is sad. Defending that garbage paper says a lot about you dhogaza. Keeping that rag up on their website exposes them to legal action. Bet it is down next week.
Bet it is down next week.
How much, exactly, would you be waging there O' anonymous one?
US dollars only. Thanks.
"Given that the blog post directly contradicts the official statement the journal made earlier, I'd say it's a great day for "Lew". It simply underscores how screwed up the journal's actions have been in regard to the paper. UWA legal stands behind it, and the university is standing behind the researcher as firmly as one can imagine. The paper is still available online. Its popularity has soared as a result of its retraction. "
It's quite telling that UWA is still standing up for Lewandowsky even after he's moved to Bristol. I'm mightily impressed to see how strongly they are supporting their researchers even when they move on.
On the matter of the paper's popularity both Lewandowsky and UWA must be rubbing their hands in glee. Stephan will (ironically) be getting much more coverage of his work and his thesis with the fact of the botched retraction instigated by the very subjects of his paper, and UWA will be relishing the hits for the paper and the increased institutional visibility it provides.
The Denialati have shot themselves in both feet on this matter.
"Keeping that rag up on their website exposes them to legal action. Bet it is down next week."
What legal action?
And yes, I'll take your bet. I propose US$500.00 to be held by Eli until 5:00 pm next Friday, Western Australia time, winner take all with $100.00 to Eli for his troubles.
Are you game?
Blogger skipped taking an identity; I pointed to what I said<a href="> about Frontier's editors' statement</a>
Hank, aka ankh
Oh look, anonytroll dispensing legal pronouncements again, worth exactly what he gets paid for them: $.00
"Members of the warmist cult have an unlimited capacity to rationalize. It truly is sad. Defending that garbage paper says a lot about you dhogaza. "
Note that my post doesn't defend the paper, it merely points out that your earlier post was idioctic - indefensible, if you will.
Public demonstrations of poor reading comprehension skills are a trademark of the denialati …
While public demonstrations of an inability to correctly spell on a keyboard are signs of pure genius, of course! (idiotic, not idiotic.)
Never take a bet from an anonymous troll. If AT loses, it can always claim your bet was with someone else 8^D!
But always pretend to take a bet from an anontroll. For then the troll scarpers to the natural habitat (where the sun don't shine).
I'll happily take the bet with the anonytroll and I'll give him two to one odds, as long as he lodges his $ with Eli before 5:00 pm this Friday Western Australian time.
I won't be holding my breath though - cRR has it nailed...
Anonymous at 5/4/14 7:07 AM.
I know that it's just an oversight on your part, but you seem to have forgotten to confirm that you've lodged US$500.00 with Br'er Eli. My US$1000.00 is waiting to follow, but you'll need to inform the thread by 5:00 pm tomorrow (Friday) Western Australia time to be able to fleece me.
I do so want to give my money to you (minus $100.00 for Eli's troubles). I'm sure that you're just as keen to take it from me, so I will await your post on this thread to inform of your deposit (and followed by Eli's confirmation) with great anticipation.
Waddaya know...?
Anonymous at 5/4/14 7:07 AM who was so sure that the University of Western Australia would take down Recursive Fury that he was willing (but not) to bet on it, was wrong.
The paper is still there:
What a shame that he didn't have the courage of his convictions to follow through with the betting. I could have usefully disposed of that $400.00...
I'll happily take the bet with the anonytroll and I'll give him two to one odds, as long as he lodges his $ with Eli before 5:00 pm this Friday Western Australian time...!!
I would characterize McIntyre’s denial as denying the assertion that paleo types have the foggiest clue what they are doing, mathwise. This is not conspiracy ideation, it is in the grand tradition of upholding what is correct in science. Sloppiness is not a valid scientific method, no matter your motivations.