Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Future for Popcorn Is Bright

Some time ago, back at the beginning of time, Eli pointed out that the Obama administration was offering Republicans in Congress a choice between the lady and the tyger on passing laws regulating CO2 emissions, and of course, as everyone knows, the Republicans chose the tiger. 

About a week ago, Mitch McConnell told Republican governors to blow off the EPA and not bother to file a state plan to limit carbon dioxide emissions.

Today, the Federal Emergency Management Administration named the price

 Starting next year, the agency will approve disaster preparedness funds only for states whose governors approve hazard mitigation plans that address climate change.
and as the song goes,
There's hurricanes in Florida and Texas needs rain.
Takes money to plan for that.
If you don't want it, don't complain
This takes effect in March of 2016, before the next general election in the US.  The thing that Mitch and his friends don't appreciate is that Obama does not get mad, ask Osama.  Oh wait. . .


David Appell said...

Playing hardball! It's refreshing to see....

Jeffrey Davis said...

McConnell doesn't believe in the Supremacy Clause or (apparently) his oath of office. He does believe in keeping Mitch well placed, though.

Bryson said...

I'm inclined to be crude about it: pissing into a rising wind is a bad idea.


Tigers do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted Obama to be more like Bernie Mac from "Bad Santa."

"Ok, we'll cut emissions by 10%..."


Hank Roberts said...