As Arthur C Rabett said about denialismyou can't tell the difference between sufficiently advanced stupidity and snark. Eli gives you Denial Depot.
When so-called "experts" in their "peer reviewed journals" say one thing, we dare the impossible and find imaginative ways to believe something else entirely.and the comments are even better
Joshua said...Gary Larson had a point
This is wonderful. The whole AGW-scam that wants to rob us of our liberty and tax money is falling apart much quicker than I expected. Al Gore must be going bananas. God bless the cooling!
I'll be coming here more often. Keep up the good work and I'll donate!
20 April 2009 15:23
Tenney said...
Wow! This work is so good, I bet that Dr. Spencer will be glad to have you do your post-doc work with him! Congratulations!
20 April 2009 18:40
At least some of those comments must be jokes... right? On the other hand, the whole blog looks like an April Fool's Day prank on steroids.
Marc Moran's new gig...
I guess it is a testimony to the power of blogs.
arch stanton
Hilarious! Great find!
Oooooops, left an “o” out of Morano
arch stanton
That site MUST be a joke!
Come on: "Warming From Sun Is MASSIVELY Greater Than CO2" and the maths in that post...
If it's a joke I love it!
If it's's a joke anyhow...
Will monitor!
:) Sweet...
"Dr." Rabbet:
Many have noted there are problems with college "educated" "scientists" like you "educating" the "public" with your "science" "teachings."
Perhaps the American people "need" no such "help" from your "people" with their "climate" "change" and "disaster" mongering.
You "talk" about "data" and "peer review" and "consensus" and "science" and "research" and "results" but none of that is how sound science really works, as you "professors" of "science" should "know."
"Thank you"
You left 2 o's out of Moron-o.
Denial Depot = Tamino + The Onion
Love it!
My particular favorite line in that particular blog article is...
"The #1 tool of the avid skeptic is imagination."
... as I recollect from my comic-book reading youth, Stan the Man would say...
" 'Nuff said."
Just read the entry "Analysis: Warming From Sun Is MASSIVELY Greater Than CO2". Brilliant satire, including the explanation of how exponentials work, and why they are misleading!
There may be only one site that actually calls itself "Denial Depot", but, like Home Depots, Denial Depots are pretty much everywhere you look.
One DD even got "Best Science Web Award".
And as the saying goes, "truth is often stranger than fiction".
You know how so many conservatives used to think Steven Colbert was actually a right-winger? No sense of humor those guys, this is brilliant!
Was tempted to point out that DD is a parody of WUWT ... except WattsMyLine is doing an increasingly good job of parodying itself...
It made its debut about the same time as Mark Moran's (and yes, I'm convinced that's the right spelling) "Climate Depot" site.
Some of the responses are jokes. Some aren't. Best way to tell is to chase those who provide links to their own private websites or blogs. Some of them are ... out there.
The spoofs are fairly decent but actually less whacky than an average statement by Tim Curtin ... I don't think you can write Curtin-crazy without being crazy.
Jon Swift ain't bad either
"Adjusting data is not scientific."
"Now once we have discovered a problem like this, the correct course of action is to adjust the satellite temperature record to correctly take this into account."
Now that is good stuff indeed!
The problem is that no matter how intentionally insane the posts and the comments are, they are still hard to distinguish from the real thing.
Indeed! It really is quite a bizarre experience. Unfortunately we seem to be giving a hard time to some decent folk who are so punch-drunk from previously reading WUWT etc. that they are conditioned to accept any level of nonsense as being sincere.
Of course, it really is devilishly difficult to make posts clearly more insane that the stuff that appears on WUWT anyway. There are people there who unquestioningly take Beck seriously, or Anthony Watts seriously, or Steven Goddard seriously, so how ridiculous does one have to be to satirise it?
Simon (aka Percy B. Grout).
Lars. You funny bloody muckraker!
Thanks for giving me a good laugh, mostly at myself. :-)
I will adjust. ;-)
Percy, you two-faced swine. Same to you.
Context: bastards had me all pompous and holier-than-thou responding to their denialism.
Well pleased you Percy-vered with me.
Wonder if I can stay in character and tilt the game a little more...
I took it seriously and will kick myself for months for being such a tight-gripped, windy fool.
But I did enjoy the laugh when enlightenment came.
Considering the idiocy and arrogance you were up against, I have to say that you demonstrated an admirable level of patience and restraint.
"I took it seriously and will kick myself for months for being such a tight-gripped, windy fool.
But I did enjoy the laugh when enlightenment came."
Oh, but not nearly as much as I did before enlightenment came. Though I did feel a bit sorry for you ...
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