Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leakeng Ship

Some might have noticed that the good ship Jonathan Leake has sprung one. Tim Lambert is all over it

In Leakegate, "not based on any research" Tim describes how Leake misrepresented Anna Gilmore's research on smoking and heart attacks

Leakegate: How Jonathan Leake concocted 'Africagate' Tim describes how Leake quote mines, stovepipes and manufactures" quotes" about the IPCC report.

Leakegate: Yes, Leake was responsible for that bogus story about the carbon footprint of Google
Tim tells us how Leake inflated the carbon cost of a Google search by 35 or more times and got his mistake into play

In Leakegate: On stovepiping and plagiarism Tim describes how the Telegraph played telephone with Leake's hagiography of Tony Watts.

In Leakegate: Leake verballed Richard Dawkins Tim descibes, well you know.

In Leakegate: Jonathan Leake caught misrepresenting another scientist Tim describes how Robert Muir Wood got the full Leake treatment

In Journalismgate Tim complains how Real Climate is getting in on his fun with Leake

In Leakegate: the case for fraud Tim describes how, well go read what he wrote, how Leake

concealed the fact that Dan Nepstad, the author of the 1999 Nature paper cited as evidence for the IPCC statement about the vulnerability of the Amazon had replied to Leake's query and informed him the claim was correct?
In Leakegate scandal gets bigger is kind of boring, with Tim telling us how Leake recycles discredited denialist papers.

In Leakegate scandal grows Tim describes how Leake scissors what he wants out of the IPCC report.

And finally, the original Leakegate

Now you might imagine that Tim has a thing for Leakes. OTOH, as far as Eli knows Tim is not of Welsh extraction, but like Eli, Tim is getting very tired of the denialists misrepresentation act. It is definitely time to hold these folk responsible and linking is one way of doing it. Tim and Eli look forward to the next meeting of the Jonathan Leake Clubbe.



Otto Kanel said...

Good work, Jonathan Leake! I have some stunning revelations regarding the IPCC report that I think you will find quite revealing:


Anonymous said...

Oh no, another D-K troll! (re Otto).

Is someone making D-K troll bots and they all escaped from the factory?!

Tim's many recent posts are a stroke of genius, and illustrates quite clearly that the contrarians' opines about AGW are built on a stack of self-perpetuating lies and deception.

Joe Romm's comment to Faux news (about IPCC errors) was excellent:

"Look, each of you works for media outlets that publish corrections. Yet you expect day by day the public should come back and not think because you made a mistake and admitted 2 or 3 or 4 mistakes every single day that somehow your reporting is not trustworthy. Now, in the case of the scientific body, these are reports every 5 or 6 years. And they publish like three 1,000-page reports. It’s going to be very difficult for errors not to creep into it. But again I encourage you to draw distinctions between the wealth of observations in this scientific liteature and these reports, which are an effort to collect everything and digest it. It would be very difficult for it to be error free."



EliRabett said...

It was a Poe???

Anonymous said...

Lambert manages his site like Tamino's, only those that agree get posts through, save for the one poster they feel like having that day. He seems quite obsessed with Mr. Leake. Trying to understand both sides of any story by reading Deltoid is like listening to music, but only hearing every other note, pointless.

Keep proceeding the way you are I'm sure you can push the public ever further away.

Celery Eater

Anonymous said...

Since this page is the one-stop shop for Leake's Assorted Confections,let me add another: In a TimesOnline article "Climate Change Data Dumped" of 11/29/09,Leake spliced a sentence from the UEA CRU data availability page that had been online for months,and,putting it in quotation marks,claimed it was part of an 'admission' by CRU scientists made AFTER the email theft. Nice guy. The Celery Eater would do well to remove the sticks from his ears if he wants to hear the music.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Warren, if you like echo chambers and perfect examples of group think of Lemmings, then you love Deltoid and "open-mind" (what a joke that is). Perhaps you should open your eyes, your mind, and certainly your communication skills. You get no reaward for being correct with the science and a failure in communication of the message, you need to succeed in both.

Celry Eater

Anonymous said...

Celry (sic) does not read Deltoid, he's faking. If el gordo, dave andrews and David Duff can post their spam at Deltoid at will, then Tim is not filtering. Unlike McIntyre though, who shuts down threads when it gets too hot in the kitchen and investigates people's IP addresses and then has moderators make veiled threats on his behalf to descenting voices.

Celery eater, there is a wild celery that grows on certain sub Antarctic islands. I recommend that you try it. You never know, it might improve your hearing or address the fact that you are tone deaf....

Eli, I would not recommend that you and Mrs. Rabett try the celery in question. This rabbit was very hungry once and tried it, and was most disappointed.

The wheel turns deniers, the rogue reporters have already started to throw one another under the bus.

Eli, Tim, Joe and others with a conscience-- thanks and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Not only have I read Deltoid and commented I have seen my comments deleted days after they were posted. Yeah CS Lambert has the regulars that post the counterpoint, but he heavily censors his site. Which is his right of course, but you then cannot claim to get a full viewing of both sides of the debate there.

You cling to your pedastel beliefs about Deltoid and please continue to infer that people are liars and label them and put them in a box. Perhaps you should start your own blog called "Closed Projecting Mind" it would be perfect.

Celery Eater

Tim Lambert said...

As you might have guessed, celery eater is lying about what I delete as well as about the comments at Deltoid that anyone can read with their own eyes.

EliRabett said...

Wadda yah expect from a celery stalker who posts at midnight? OTOH Tim might loan Eli his disemvowler if needed.

Lars Karlsson said...

Yes, Otto Kanél did a Poe.

willard said...

A few quick questions:

- Is On The Other Hand that much to write than OTOH? Some studies show that AATTR (abreviations are tougher to read).

- Is a Poe a special kind of parody?

(Liked this sentence, by the way, Otto: "The Climategate e-mails proved that these ”researchers” were manipulating data, that they secretly were discussing scientific issues and conspiring to intentionally keep bad research out of the IPCC.")

- Why engage a troll?

- Off topic, but interesting: do we have any proof that McIntyre "investigates people's IP addresses"?

Anonymous said...

Tim you came all the way over here to perform your lying act? I do not post as Celery Eater over at Deltoid. I use my more common "Jon P" so yes you have deleted my comments, even days later. Most of the time you do not even post them. Gavin just did the same thing to me over at RC. Made some points on the thread, attacked no one and then "Completly Fed Up" moved in, names were flying and when I tried to defend myself, my comments no longer got through.

That is the pattern at Deltoid, Tamino (the worst) and RC, heavily edited. So lie all you want if it makes you feel better.

Celery Eater a.k.a Jon P

Anonymous said...

Yes, Willard, he investigated "RockyMtn's IP". Read moderator Jean S comments to RockyMtn at CA.

Anonymous said...

""Jon P" so yes you have deleted my comments, even days later."

Probably b/c they were abusive.? Care to post here the comments that you allegedly had deleted?

Also, you are making generalizations. Almost all blog masters are entitled to edit comments, sometimes they are forced to b/c of threats, abuse etc, and to try and stop trolls for hijacking the site. CA blocks comments, edits comments, WUWT does it, they all do it to varying degrees. So stop it with the "holier than thou" crap celery.

Tim allows many, many contrarian and dissenting views to be posted on his site.

Anonymous said...


No my comments were not abusive. Not holier than thou, I already said he has every right to do any edits he wants, but to say he doesn't is just plain BS.

I also never mentioned WUWT nor CA. On the infrequent times I have posted there my commnets went through.

I do not save comments.
I am not being dishonest.

Anonymous said...

Jon P: "On the infrequent times I have posted there my comments went through."

Because you probably support their ideology...

JonP: "No my comments were not abusive."

I would sincerely like to believe you, but it is the net, you can be and say anything you want.

How about applying some of that "skepticism" of yours to the crowd at CA, WUWT etc.


Anonymous said...

How about applying some of that "skepticism" of yours to the crowd at CA, WUWT etc.


You are under the false assumption that I am not applying my skepticism now.

Celery Eater

Anonymous said...

Disturbing how the self-proclaimed "skeptics" trolling here (and elsewhere on "warmer" sites) apply their skepticism uni-directionally and also apply a double standard.

Leake, for example, distorts and fabricates etc. No problem. "Good job", say those in denial. Oh, the hypocrisy.


Anonymous said...

It is surprising that MapleLeaf has time to post here when he spends so much time kicking dogs and spitting on cats.

See? I can also just make things up.

Happy now?

Celery Eater

Anonymous said...

The resident troll, has yet to actually say something about Leake's transgressions or how the media are mangling the facts and attacking scientists.

So we can safely conclude that they support his fallacious and libelous diatribes. Yes, the double standard of said troll is amazing. They have quite the blind spot for the contrarians, perhaps they should eat some carrots instead of celery to help improve their vision....

Anonymous said...

The resident troll, has yet to actually say something about Leake's transgressions or how the media are mangling the facts and attacking scientists.

So we can safely conclude that they support his fallacious and libelous diatribes. Yes, the double standard of said troll is amazing. They have quite the blind spot for the contrarians, perhaps they should eat some carrots instead of celery to help improve their vision....

Anonymous said...

Did you say it twice so you were certain it would be posted?

Oh I see how the game is played I must be a puppet to your commands, Sure I'll play, Leakes articles are lazy, stupid and written without relying on facts.

Happy now?

Oh you are now mad at the media? Would that be all of the media? So when the media says this drought or that hurricane is due to AGW, you are okey dokey, but if they ever get it wrong the other way its a huge conspiracy and an attack. If it was not so sad it would be funny.

Celery Eater

Anonymous said...

"Leakes articles are lazy, stupid and written without relying on facts."

Correct, so why are you trolling here then?

PS: And actually troll, I was speaking to Jon P earlier before you decided to start playing games.

Anonymous said...

PS: And actually troll, I was speaking to Jon P earlier before you decided to start playing games.

LMAO Hey Anonymoron, I am Jon P. I said that earlier..

My first comment made the point there is no point going to Lambert's site if you want to hear both sides of any topic, it is too heavily edited, commnets are even removed days later. Thats it and the attack bunnies came out and I responded. I have been called a liar, a denier, and a troll did I miss any (nice softball for you there).

Celery Eater

Anonymous said...

Concern troll 'celery' wants to hear 'both sides' at Deltoid.

Yes, lies should be given equal time.

What planet is the celery muncher from?

Another Anonymouse

Anonymous said...

Hmm Jon P says "No my comments were not abusive."

then goes on to say "LMAO Hey Anonymoron"

Celery is also seemingly not good for one's memory. Nobody here has called Celery Eater or Jon P a "liar" or "a denier". So quite ironically, in attempting to defend your self against something that was not said, you have introduced a lie.

Now that troll mentions the term "denier" and claims not to be a denier, does the troll concede that AGW is real?

If so, one has to again ask why you are engaging in troll-like behaviour here?

Anonymous said...

Here's a tip, Jon:

Next time you want to try and convince anyone that you weren't trolling when your comments were removed from another blog, maybe don't sock-puppet and completely hijack the thread with off-topic comments, none of which address the posted topic.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if that deleted comment was by Jon P?

Anyhow, to try and stay on topic. Here in Canada we have our very own version of Leake, Mr. Lorne Gunter.


joe said...

Slightly off-topic, but I've also noticed "Dr." Watts giving veiled threats to posters who dare undermine his intellectual prowess. What gives?

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

Not that I doubt you, but do you have any examples?


Otto Kanel said...

MapleLeaf - stepping out of the "Good work, Jonathan Leake!" character, I apologize to you and others (especially Mr. Lambert). My purpose was to promote a little piece of satire I wrote (called Swedengate, pushing the theory that the IPCC was formed because Bert Bolin loved popcorn), but in retrospect I see no reason why you would've followed the link given what I wrote in the message and given the amount of trolling in these forums (I probably wouldn't have followed it myself).

I also see how Poe's Law kicks in here. So let me be clear:

1. "Swedengate" was written to see how much nonsense per words I could possibly fill a text with; in some cases this means I do reproduce "skeptical" arguments almost verbatim, because you just can't compete.


(and Eli, and many others, of course)

Greetings from Sweden!

P.S. what's a "D-K" troll?

Lars Karlsson said...

Otto, D-K stands for Dunning-Kruger.

EliRabett said...

Otto, the highest Poe award is the D-K meaning that you have passed the Denial Depot qualifying exam!:)

BTW, Denial Depot has a new article on Akermangategate

"This is quite boring. He's claiming humans won't act until it's too late. We could indeed paraphrase him as saying such. But that's not blog science. That's just telling people what John Houghton said, which would be alarmist. No we need to tidy up his words before we can discredit him and the science. Let me tidy up his words a bit so that it sounds like Houghton is advocating lying:

"Unless we announce disasters no one will listen"

There we go. Now it's blog post material.

Anonymous said...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the post was all about Lambert's posts about Leake. I made a comment that you cannot get both sides of the story from Deltoid's site, because he deletes comments (my 1st one). Then the attacks started. you guys crack me up. Now you claim I was not labeled by anyone here, yah OK.

I'll leave you back to your echo chamber so you all may nod your heads together in agreement. When challeneged you get rather emotional and defensive.

btw My "abusive" name-calling only gets going after repeated efforts thrown my way. Do not start what you cannot finish, trust me on that one. I do not have a bottom.

Celery Eater

joe said...

Thanks for making me wade through all that again. Not sure how to link directly to the comment, but two examples are here:
(search "10:12:07")

and here: (search "10:26:27")

Both are directed at "Robert", who's been quite a good diversion on WUWT.

Anonymous said...

I do not have a bottom.

There's a witty riposte there somewhere, I'm sure.

Now what could it be?

Oh yes! You must have, cos you've ...

Cymraeg llygoden

Anonymous said...

I see, Celery. You were refuting all of the clearly documented facts in Lambert's posts with your undocumented assertion that Lambert deleted something you posted, the content of which you can't remember.

We Love Mieces to Pieces said...

If you read the "about" page, WTFUWT warns that it monitors IP addresses of troublemakers and notes those who post from work IPs.

Anonymous said...

"troublemakers and notes those who post from work IPs."

So it also notes if someone is posting at WTFUWT from work, regardless of their views? Or it only makes a note if those who are perceived to be "troublemakers"?

If the latter, wow, talk about veiled threats.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for the work Joe! Thanks for doing that....ugh, now I have to go and add to the WTFUWT counter.

Let me see.....from WTFUWT (see Joe's pointers):

"And I have a question. Since you are using a public email address of an educational institution, do they approve of your posting opinions here? See our policy page. – Anthony"

So that is what Robert gets for contributing some good science to the "debate".

"Shall I talk about your links to drug company funding? -A"

Wow, Anthony and Charles Rotter *have been* busy investigating IPs and making threats.

Wonder if Rotter and Anthony know any good hackers? Just wonder'n.

A good and ethical journalist to report on this, please?


PS: And yes, the Celery eater has clearly already hit rock....

Anders Martinsson said...

Leake and ICO statement on UEA regarding FOIA

Ron Broberg said...

Two more for the mill. It may be hard to keep this up to data.