Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.
UPDATE: For those not coming from there, Real Climate has started the ball rolling, gathering together all comments on the latest OISM paper. Please add your contributions there.The bunnies at the bar (Eli has discovered a nice new one within walking distance of the lab, with Hoegaarden, Guiness and Pilsner Urquell) were wondering why the Robinsons have once again taken pen in hand. The Robinsons, as you may recall, together with Sallie Balliunas and Willie Soon are the major authors in the genre of climate fiction and fantasy. Their mangnum faux pas was the center piece of the Oregon Deception Project. As we mentioned yesterday they have done it again, without Sallie, who may have some limits. Mark Chopping brings word in the comments to Eli's post on the Oregon Deception Project .
They are still at it! I received a packge today (October 5, 2007). You would think that they might do a little research before mailing -- clearly they have $$ to waste. I will have to spend some time thinking about what to return in the postage-paid envelope.So, debunking this thing with as much publicity as possible becomes an urgent matter. Into the scribitorium young mice. Eli is going to have another beer
Mark wrote: “I will have to spend some time thinking about what to return in the postage-paid envelope”
Abby Hoffman recommended that you paste it to a brick, but I think the postal laws have changed since then. Lead might be the best you can do these days as it must fit in the envelope.
A more apt title for denialists might be
"Those who don't repeat history are doomed to remember it."
Ignorance is bliss, after all.
Are they attempting to run this thing over the net as well(like last time)? I know a number of celebs (Ginger Spice, Monty Burns, Galactus) who might be convinced to sign it.
Try to get hold of "Atlas of Creation" if you can fit it in the envelope. Garbage out, garbage back.
History repeating itself indeed!
"Hide in the hiding place where no one ever goes.
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes.
It's a little secret just the Robinsons' affair.
Most of all you've got to hide it from the kids." -- "Mrs Robinson", by Simon and Garfunkel
hmmm ... I wonder what are the CO2-environmental costs of importing beer relative to those of SUVs???
Hmm, by weird coincidence, justo today I ran into a neighbor at a local climate-change meeting, a retired USGS geoscientist, who much to his surprise had gotten a beautifully-printed reprint of an article claiming no AGW and published in a medical journal.
He recognized pseudoscience, but was unfamiliar with denialism players, so was quite surprised when from his vague description, I asked: "Was this OISM, Robinsions, Soon?" I explained it was more than pseudoscience and the names were well-known.
Anybody else get this beyond Mark?
I wonder what mailing list they are using?
The petition website site doesn't appear to have been updated.
Hmm... do you think stem cells could be used to remove unwonted genetics on anonymice to?
To answer my own earlier question, it DOESN'T look they these guys will let you sign their petition via email. On the other hand, I have been provided a snail mail address to send my request for a petition "package".
Who signed the cover letter on the package?
Hank, if thats directed at me, I haven't sent away yet. Art Robinson answered the email.
Thanks. You may get the same package mentioned under "JPANDS" by Tamino:
"a recent comment on RealClimate from an engineering professor who received the paper in an email, together with Seitz's request to sign a petition..."
Maybe everyone should send back the Technical Summary of AR4 WG1. It would be a lot of paper, so maybe just the cover page of AR4.
The Email harvesters are getting too clever. In any case, Eli would appreciate receiving a copy of the letter accompanying the article at E%l%iRabett2004 at our Yahoo dit com. Hope that works.
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