For RayP
Eli finds one of the weirdest sites on the INNERTUBES, Where Fun Comes to Die, devoted to slogans for the University of Chicago. Among the best
That's all good and well in practice, but how does it work in theorySomebunny should paint that one on Steve Levitt's door. And here is one you can use at your burrow
The level of hell Dante forgotUPDATE: But wait dear readers, the view from Lakeside is, well winter is coming and hell, AKA Chicago, will freeze over although Eli has it on good authority that a fire breathing Rahm will melt much snow this year. Ray P himself sends Eli a missive
Dear Eli,
I am touched by this attention to the amusing and stimulating environment in which I work. Of course, all this nonsense about U. of C. students not having fun is a carefully cultivated front to disguise what a rip-roaring
good time we have here. For example, think of Kuviasungnerk, the only Inuit-themed college festival in the Lower 48, where barely dressed students in the middle of winter gather to do exercises on the icy shores of Lake Michigan. Or Scav hunt (described by one of our vaguely francophone students talking to the Consul Generale of France as "une espece de chasse au poubelle," where students vie to find treasure guided by clues drawn from Sumerian poetry and cyclotomic polynomials. Or, from personal experience, I can recount a few years ago when I went to My table at the Div School cafe, and somebody had left a green foam rubber dummy right where I usually sit! I went to displace this heap, when what did I find but it came to life and expressed surprise! As it turned out this wasn't a foam rubber dummy at all, but a math student in green body paint, who had been on an all-nighter doing algebraic topology homework, but was trying to get ready for rehearsals of the Halloween Play, which was Goethe's Faust Part II (the one with all the stuff about the Phoenician gods (Cabiri) who live in clay pots). What fun! You don't get that at U. of Oklahoma. We put it on the T-shirt, but it's really an injustice that we came in behind Oral Roberts University as a party school. I won't even mention the raucous revelry over an amusing variant of random matrix theory I've heard late into the wee hours at the Reg.
But please do keep it secret. We wouldn't want people to come here for the wrong reasons.
regarding theory and practice, that's a bit less practical than:
in theory, theory and practice are the same, but in practice, they aren't.
Here's another for Steve Levitt's door:
"Thermodynamics is for those who can't hack econometrics"
Eli's version is that in theory the experiment worked. Still, the snark is high at that blog.
And the slogan of "the greenhouse effect violates the second law of econometrics" crowd
"In practice, it works, but in (my) theory, it doesn't" (so it can't be true)
I might not be young and angry any more but I am middle-aged and very annoyed!
"In theory, everything works".
In theory by far most things that _could_ happen, won't happen; in practice this is fortunate.
Thermodynamics is for those who can't hack econometrics...
Econometrics is for those who can't hack Freakonomics...
...and Freakonomics is for those who can't hack emails.
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