A bit of housework
Unlike the lazy Stoat, Eli occasionally updates his blogroll. In addition to instigating Werner Aeschbach-Hertig's Reality Check, Eli has been negligent in adding it to his list although he did mention it early on.
Oh wonder, how many goodly climate blogs are there now, this time we are adding (again late) Barry Brook's Brave New Climate. As Orwell (?) explained, BNC stands as a bulwark
"...By the year 2050 - earlier probably - all real knowledge of Oldscience will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Evolution, climate science, vaccinations - they'll exist only in Newscience versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be. Even the literature of Oldscience will disappear. Even the slogans will change. How could you have a slogan like "CO2 is life" if you don't abolish the concept of reality? The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Denialism means not thinking - not needing to think. Denialism is incoherence..."
"...Hansen's bones are quiet at last,
...No science disturbs the lucid line,
For sun-scorched Earthers tune their thought
To Offword Station 'Holocene-1'
From where they know just what they ought,
...memories of times past that should be banished
Only relics, philosophies and a parched wasteland lie below..."
Also, welcome to Greenfyre, a lovely taste of which starts
I am Ngudima Madriguru, Climate Minister of my country. On behalf of my family (the Abacha’s), my country and the Free World I would like to seek your advice and help.Green has a great candidate for the 2008 Tim Ball Award.
I have data that proves human caused climate change is a hoax, but UN thugs intent on world domination are keeping me from sharing it with you.
There is proof that I dare not reveal yet. The earth is cooling even though all of the science shows it is not. The sun is what is making the Earth warmer even though the sun is in a cool phase. The Arctic ice is expanding even though there is less of it. The sea is shrinking even as it rises. The glaciers are advancing even though they appear to be shrinking. I have the evidence!
Finally we added the Klimalounge, which features posts by Stefan Rahmstorf
Admittedly the blogroll on this site is ideosyncratic and not complete. OTOH it is Eli's blog however we are always interested in suggestions.
Other suggestions?
"...Hansen's bones are quiet at last,
...No science disturbs the lucid line,
For sun-scorched Earthers tune their thought
To Offword Station 'Holocene-1'
From where they know just what they ought,
...memories of times past that should be banished
Only relics, philosophies and a parched wasteland lie below..."
Lol Greenfyre.
"I have a truly marvellous proof of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain."
The new Desdemona Despair is very good so far (and is actually part of a pair of blogs by the same anonymous person). Check out the polling option at the end of each post.
I expect that should be "Offworld."
I feel shunned, having listed lagomorphs from day one, nearly two years ago...
Oops, apologies. I had assumed that the obvious older blogs were already covered. Eli should shave his ears in penance.
But I see you're now listed (as of today?) under a select heading of those with the physical and mental flexibility to blog while suspended upside down. Impressive!
I wondered why my change would never stay in my pockets...
Oh, and thanks Eli!
Here is one I write for just about climate... http://uppsalainitiativet.blogspot.com/ a nice post on Tuvalu today... hmm... we hope to scope on the 650 "scientists" soon also ;)
Why don't you add ClimateAudit.org, Eli, especially since you drop in there occasionally.
OT: Is Horner trying to pull a Paterico?
I'm fine being delisted, BTW. I might be back to snarky political blogging in 2009. We'll see.
Snark is definitely the way to Eli's blogroll. Missed your specials.
Ooh, Eli, you're famous!
I wonder who Horner's correspondents are. The FOIA reference sounds like McIntyre.
The bit about Shaviv is just plain funny. What part of "completely discredited hypotheses" doesn't Horner understand?
Toujour gai, Steve. They have threatened Gavin before, and gone after Joe Romm, but Eli? Eli is but a small carrot in the salad. Barely a member of the AGU (join damn it, only $20, and that goes for you too Horner).
Wrt Shaviv, didn't pan out is probably nicer, but what the heck.
Oh yes, before anyone starts. This is Eli's blog and there are majic words which will get your comment wiped out. Don't complain if you try it and keep it clean.
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