Thursday, May 23, 2019

Eli Rabett's Simple Impeachment Advice

Well, what the hell, the US is headed there are the House Democratic leadership (e.g. Nancy Pelosi) doesn't want to impeach Donald Trump
The House speaker also suggested Trump was disappointed that she has resisted calls from some members of her caucus to pursue impeachment. Pelosi appeared to endorse the theory that Trump is trying to trap House Democrats by goading them into bringing impeachment charges, expecting to be acquitted by the Republican-controlled Senate. This would allow him to claim vindication heading into his reelection.

“The House Democratic caucus is not on the path to impeachment,” Pelosi said. “That’s where he wants us to be.”

But Pelosi also made clear that Trump’s conduct could lead the House down that path, eventually.

“The president’s behavior in terms of his obstruction of justice, the things that he is doing, it’s very clear — it’s in plain sight,” she said. “It cannot be denied. Ignoring subpoenas. Obstruction of justice. Yes, these could be impeachable offenses.”

She added: “We can walk and chew gum at the same time. I hope he can too.”

The problem is obvious.  Trump is richly deserving of impeachment and conviction but a) the Reprehensibles in the Senate will never convict and b) Trump will never hand over evidence to even the ongoing House inquiries.

Thus Eli Rabett's Simple Solution:  Impeachment by a thousand Benghazis.  As the bunnies may recall the Reprehensibles ran thousands of Benghazi hearings (seemed that way), always demanding more information from Hillary Clinton and the White House, screaming stonewalling all the time.  This had a very negative effect on Clinton's candidacy to say the least.

Turn about could be excellent.  The House should open an impeachment inquiry.  Tomorrow

Nothing says they have to bring it to a vote, well it might be fun to do so a month or less before the election.  It would tie the Senate into knots and there are LOTs of Republicans running in 2020.  They would have the interesting choice of doing a quick whitewash  (explaining that in the face of the mountain of evidence that is already there) and even then spending valuable time before the election, or putting it off (explaining why they did not do their job would be even more fun).

Having a long running impeachment inquiry kills any argument that the House has no right to ANY information about how Trump is doing his job, or his actions before hand.  Trump STILL won't give up any information, but the Dems just have to keep saying, gee, how can we end this inquiry without the needed information.

Even better, Mueller, Barr, McGahn and the crew can't refuse to testify to the impeachment inquiry.  EINAL but the argument about executive privilege would seem to be a lot less effective against an impeachment inquiry.

And, of course, as everybunny sees, even more dirty deeds come to light with passing time

Impeachment Inquiry Tomorrow (Vote in about 17 months). Eli Rabett's Simple Plan


  1. Impeachment while electoral support is high is dumb and dangerous. An inquiry however does sound like a nice solution.

  2. You could try an inquiry while at the same time making sure the border stays open to the alien invasion, advocate feminist and gender ideology, and go hysterical over climate change.

  3. The is exactly the strategy I've been advocating for months. The Senate is corrupted beyond repair, so plan to leave it out. This leaves the rest of the time for simply lining up all the evidentiary ducks, and to carefully explain to the public what has really happened. The weight of evidence will eventually break the facade behind which Trump and his allies hide, and the corruption of the GOP Senate will be made clear in the process.

    And once Trump is out of the Oval Office, indict that bastard to Hell...

  4. Bernard, I'm selling pills guaranteed to reduce the state of panic you guys are in due to the forthcoming extinction of insects, the 2 meter rise of sea level and the hordes of Nigerian climate refugees selling sunglasses on crowded sidewalks.

  5. FL: You could try an inquiry while at the same time making sure the border stays open to the alien invasion, advocate feminist and gender ideology, and go hysterical over climate change.

    BPL: Alien invasion! How awful! I agree, we need fewer brown people in the country. Let's start by deporting FL.

    And feminist ideology! How awful! Man must dominate woman as man dominates horse or dog. Same deal.

    And climate change! What's to be hysterical about? The collapse of civilization? Pshaw. Civilizations have collapsed before. Tough guys like FL will live through it, the rest can go to hell.

  6. FL: the state of panic you guys are in due to the forthcoming extinction of insects, the 2 meter rise of sea level and the hordes of Nigerian climate refugees selling sunglasses on crowded sidewalks.

    BPL: Yeah, what do we need insects for? Oh, to pollinate a quarter of our crops and to feed birds, which we eat. Who cares about 2 meters of sea level rise? Oh, we do. A city doesn't have to be underwater to be made uninhabitable by sea rise; the water merely has to come up enough to seep into aquifers and back up sewers, since a city without fresh water and sewage disposal becomes a death trap. Climate refugees? 1.5 million climate refugees moving into Damascus was the start of the Syrian civil war, but perhaps Fernando doesn't think bloody civil wars accompanied by mass killings and the bombing of hospitals are such a big thing. You can always make fun of things you don't understand.

  7. I think the Democrat Leadership are trying to walk a fine line: they want Trump so damaged they can win the Senate and the Presidency in 2020. On the other hand, if they damage him too much, too early, the GOP will get rid of him and the Dems will find themselves fighting a more able candidate.

  8. For future reference Fernando, "hordes of Nigerian climate refugees selling sunglasses on crowded sidewalks" was where you went from stupid to pathetic.

  9. "You could try an inquiry while at the same time making sure the border stays open to the alien invasion, advocate feminist and gender ideology, and go hysterical over climate change."

    FL threatening us with a good time.


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