Sunday, January 21, 2018

Having a draft blog post self-destruct is a First World Problem

Still, this is me:

At least I had some fun searching images of angry crying babies to see which one best represents me. There were a few other good candidates.


  1. Has some poltroon lfted the polar bear rug from this angry infant's nursury floor?

  2. Indeed, very annoying. I have done that a few times myself, and take extra precautions to make replicas when working on a long one.

    I don't know what Blogger has, but Wordpress has both an automatic backup feature and a manual one. Even Wordpress is not without perils on this ... One time I accidently restored a Wordpress backup only to find it was not the version I intended to restore, clobbering the last half hour's work.

  3. Yea, blogger does that sometimes. At least twice for me too, could be human error since i dont speak computer. Luckily, had foresightedly manually saved a copy of the longer one half way through. The other one went to the heaven of bits (google mainframe parallel computing?) and never did it again.

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The management.