Monday, October 10, 2016

Tiny Hands Hauls Out His Index Finger and Shoots Clinton

Everybody, including Eli is going on with the stalking of Hillary, 

but there is a moment, a majic moment when Tiny Hands Trump hauls out his index finger and shoots her.


  1. As a foreigner, I simply cannot fathom what is going on in the United States (I did live there for a while though). It beggars belief that anyone with an IQ larger than their shoesize would even consider voting for that piece of crap.
    Even if you forget his lies, racism, misogyny, failure to pay taxes, etc, etc, etc, etc, he does not even have any credible policies or ideas. Whenever he is asked about the, he cannot even string a sentence together that makes any sense, without trying to change the subject and dumbly repeat "Make America great again, I have a plan, a great plan".
    For fuck sake America - wake up!

  2. Welcome to the world of peasantry, Mike, this is going on all over the third world if you haven't noticed yet. America is just relatively new the that world. Stay where you are. Unfortunately, you are closer (in distance) to them than we are, but now they are here too now. That's the thing. Like I said, the fall of civilization ain't gonna be pretty.

  3. Its a synthesis of the fall of Byzantium, Wren and Stimpy cartoons, and Twin Peaks.

  4. "Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."

    Supposedly an ancient Greek coined that, but I came up empty the last time I searched for a name. Regardless, it has a broad application across all of recorded history up to the present.

    It's my hope that the Trumpster is functioning as a one-man Gang of Four whose excesses will finally put the GOP's forty-year cultural revolution out of our misery. To paraphrase Gertrude Stein: an ideologue is an ideologue is an ideologue...

  5. Is Fernando submitting mosaic designs for the new Trump Palatine Chapel in Atlantic City ?

  6. After 2001, John LeCarre wrote that the US was going through one of its periodic bouts of insanity. We haven't emerged from it yet.

  7. Pursuant to the school system's Zero Tolerance policy, a Chicago kintergarden pupil was arrested yesterday for chewing a pop tart into the shape of a tiny hand.

  8. I hope that was all Trump was doing with his hand!

  9. Got a working link to that majic moment video clip, or a suggestion of a browser or browser settings that make it viewable?
    Firefox 49.0, Mac, got nothin'.
    Probably my anti-malware, but there's so much of that ...

  10. > whom the gods
    The problem with sources is there are so many of them:

  11. Hank, give Eli a moment, the tape appears to have slipped



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