Wednesday, October 05, 2016

And So the World Begins

News comes from the Secretary of the UNFCCC that the Paris Agreements have been ratified

Eli and Ms. Rabett will open a carbon dioxide producing beverage tonight and sequester some.


  1. Eli and Ms. Rabett will open a carbon dioxide producing beverage tonight and sequester some.

    A noble attempt for sure, Rabett, but for the good of the planet is the champers not best left in the bottle (i.e leave it in the ground)?

    What if you burp, or... you know? Have you though of that?

  2. > "What if you burp..."

    Reuse the cork.

    > "or... you know?"

    Hmmm... Another cork? (>_<)

  3. Be more than enough time to celebrate if any of this actually happens.

  4. Get ready to spend the next 57 years hearing UN Climate Commissioners, Greenpeace, the Pope du jour, and lots of presidents express their concern and sympathy over rising CO2 levels as Cuban refugees fleeing sea level rise and giant hurricanes leave the island, go to the USA, and try to head inland towards the Smoky Mountains, ignoring the Castro's call to stay abd keep pouring mojitos and performing sex acts for cheap-thrill-seeking Yankee tourists.

  5. Big step in the right direction but CIP has a point. Charm ambassadors on the right have pointed out that the Paris Accord is not legally binding on the US (or, I think, on any of the ratifiers). If decarbonisation turns out to be rather harder and more expensive than optimists in the mould of Jan Galkowski anticipate, there will be a great fudging and reneging down the road.

    As this is a legal matter, opinion is of course divided. There's an excellent explainer at Carbon Brief and a dissenting opinion from David A. Wirth

    I have no idea, but unlike JG I am not temperamentally disposed to optimism.


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