Thursday, May 12, 2016

Willard Tony Watts Takes Up the Knappenberger Eraser

In the previous post Eli describes how Steve McIntyre tried it out on Richard Betts and got snookered in the British sense, in American, perhaps best put as self inserted behind the eight ball.  In passing it was mentioned that Willard Tony Watts not only got it wrong, he does lots of that, but how he got it backwards again.

Specifically WT messed up erased the timeline in a bunch of tweets between Steve and Richard (English Richards never being Dicks, well except for Richard Tol, who is merely resident there until June when all the foreigners will get Trumped in the referendum).

But wait, poor Eli was too trusting.  Turns out that WT messed with the time line or more exactly used the Knappenberger eraser.  Somehow, now some, not Eli to be sure, might think with malice and enthusiasm, the time stamp went missing in each of Richard's, not Dick's, tweets, this being used to show that Richard Betts ran away from Steve and then came back to subterfuge the McIntyre beast.

UPDATE:  WUWT posts a correction about when Richard Betts wandered off:) 

In such things, screen grabs are best.  WT writes:

Curiously, why does Eli have to always right curiously when it comes to WUWT emissions, but curiously, above this post coda in other tweets, the time stamps are there as shown below, but just somehow in order to make RB look evil, the posting times are missing.

And, yes, indeedy, should somebunny look at the actual time stamps it is clear that RB left the building after giving SM a reading assignment

It's always count your fingers time at WUWT and Climate Audit.  Google needs to put up a warning.


  1. Before G puts a warning, there's always

    Here's one where BrandonG spoonfeeds MarkB about why parsomatics might very well be suboptimal:

    The mansplaining seems to have done MarkB some good -w itness how closure was brought a bit later, in the very next ClimateBall (tm) episode:

  2. That screenshot is deceptive, but no erasers were needed, only selecting the right tweet and cropping.

  3. To be fair, there's no need to crop tweets. By default, Twitter only shows "time since" in your main timeline. You only get timestamps if you choose an individual tweet or tweet thread.

  4. Anthony said he'd correct the post after having a look at it. That was a couple days ago. Maybe he's been busy. Little things like this matter re integrity.

  5. "English Richards never being Dicks, well except for Richard Tol, who is merely resident there until June when all the foreigners will get Trumped in the referendum."

    We'll always have Lindzen.

  6. Thankfully this will bury the Denialist Détente that Richard believed was useful after the Bristol Conference .


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