Monday, January 11, 2016

Questions, Bunnies Got Questions

The US primary season is upon us and the question occurs what would the bunnies ask the clowns?  And indeed this time there are a number of clowns although the density function appears sadly to have moved completely to the right. YMMV

For a long time, an organization Science Debate has been trying to shame the gatekeepers into asking a question or three about science, tech, health and environmental issues in their candidate debates, In 2008 and 2012, they got written answers but ones straight from the elephant or donkey's mouth would be more interesting and less structured.

Key questions of the future are based on an understanding of these issues, and even the kids want to know.

Eli's POV is that he doesn't want candidates to debate science, tech, health and environmental issues, he wants them to outline the policies they would institute and how those policies fit in with the scientific consensus in each of those areas.  If they don't agree with the consensus, and they should be aware of it, why not?  Who would be their scientific advisers and why do they trust them?

Never mind, Eli inquires what would you ask. You can sign the Science Debate petition and show them your question.


  1. Pointless for the Republicants.

  2. DBB, I suspect that you have accurately predicted their score.

  3. I would like to know the candidate's proposed policy to reduce illegal immigration to zero, what he/she plans to do to extricate the USA out of a sure loser Middle East policy, as well as moves to reduce the deficit and the national debt.

  4. But not anything about climate policy. Check.

  5. Since the power lost from the closure of Vermont Yankee has been (predictably) replaced by natural gas, I would ask Bernie Sanders what is the scientific basis for supporting climate-killing closures of every operating, paid-for nuclear power plant in the country.

  6. The first question is about ethnic cleansing.

    What became of all the Republicans at the Washington headquarters and Congressional Fellowship program of that great bipartisan institution, the AAAS?

  7. Please explain why the name Jesus is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution or the Federalist Papers? Oh, and yes, why do you want to wreck the planet?(Sorry not a scientist, just a drunk country doctor, I'll stop if you ask me.)

  8. John M, excellent questions.

  9. Who do they trust and why?


  10. Please explain why the name Jesus is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution or the Federalist Papers? The Founders were not sufficiently drunk to take the Lord's name in vain.

  11. KAP, according to their press release the owners closed down Vermont Yankee because it was took expensive to compete with shale gas


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The management.