Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bernard J Pushes Indur Golkany Down the Elevator Shaft

As somebunnies may have noticed, the CO2 is life, or plants or green line is being peddled by the denialati.  It was the one line Will Happer remembered to peddle during the recent Cruz farago.  Indur Golkany, beloved of Roger Sr. even wrote a paper about it that was peer reviewed (does that mean Chris Monckton? Why yes it does, and Happer even told Greepeach about it and how peer review works on his side of the aisle).

Bernard J has an excellent deconstruction of the Cruz four in the comments to a previous post.  Suffice it to say he would rather discuss climate change with pond scum than Mark Styne but one point stood out.

The next time somebunny tells you between the 5th and 12th floor that CO2 is not a pollutant because we breath it out reply:
Right. There's a reason why we breathe it out... We also shit, and shit is also great for plants, but too much of it in too constricted an environment...


  1. Great piece of comment. I hope someone keeps it for the Annals. My favorite line:

    "Now there's someone who gives emeriti a bad name."

  2. OT: Gerhard Kramm has decided to slander the Rabbet and SOD on local media.

  3. Yes, it's a great remark.
    Have to remind ourselves to send some utes to Bernard as well, to carry the kudos with.

    In Holland, for the good-for-plants meme I used to call for levelling the levees as water is good for plants too. But Bernard J's remark completely realistically adresses the pollution aspect.

  4. You made the point so much more succinctly than I did a few years back when I noted CO2 killed a few hundreds of people in Cameroon.

    Got a bunch of people who suddenly became experts on CO2 concentrations, who before had argued CO2 was absolutely harmless to humans and absolutely beneficial to plants in all doses. But it still astounds me how so many will argue chemical, physical and biological properties of chemicals that they had never before in their lives thought about, and chemicals they were unaware of until they needed some reason to deny reality. (Working hard here to avoid calling them denialists since Katharine Hayhoe says I make no friends doing that.)


  6. Showed up to mention how poison ivy, oak, sumac, and kudzu and other invasives are doing particularly well with the additional CO2.

    But Hank, you made my day with Lehrer's Selling Out. Thanks!


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