Monday, March 09, 2015

Okay, how about "global warm-hugging" or "climatic kitten snuggles"?

Florida is making use of the power of positive thinking by banning governmental use of the terms "global warming" and "climate change". Not quite as direct as North Carolina's banning the ocean from rising faster than a certain rate, but still innovative. Governor Rick Scott is apparently a big fan of The Secret.

All they need is another, more positive term. I kind of like global warm-hugging, but maybe something else works. "Planetary Florida-doesn't-need-all-that-land-anyway Effect" is a little long.


  1. My suggestion is calling it the "Rick Scott effect."

  2. I understand they also banned the term "sea-level rise," replacing it with "nuisance flooding." For that, they deserve some kind of award. Is there a PR Hall of Infamy?

  3. some music to go with this,

  4. Apropos to the site, Climate Cuddle Bunny rolls trippingly off the tongue...



  5. Climate Cuddle Bunny, where was Sexual Harassment Panda when UNEP needed him ?


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