Saturday, April 13, 2013

Good Business

From the Exxon Hates Your Children group.
  1. Exxon must hate your children because their business model depends on drilling for more and more of the fuels that cause climate disruption, even though fossil fuel companies have already discovered significantly more oil, gas and coal than scientists say we can safely burn. They are creating climate chaos every day — and they’re getting rich doing it.. . .

  2. Exxon must hate your children because, for years, they spent millions funding a coordinated campaign to create confusion about climate science, which slowed the move towards a more sustainable future. Now Exxon (finally) admits that climate change is a problem, but…
    • They say they can’t predict what will happen, and
    • Therefore they will continue business as usual.. . .

  3. Exxon must hate your children because they and other fossil fuel companies send campaign contributions to candidates for Congress, and in turn, they get massive subsidies…at the expense of more important causes. For every one dollar Big Oil spends on political contributions, they get $59 back in subsidies — a 5800% rate of return. . . .

  4. Exxon must hate your children because climate change threatens the future of all of our children, and they seem to just ignore it.


  1. The power of the bunny can defeat Exxon:

  2. Thanks Rattus, that's a great pic.

    But sadly, dark forces are preventing publication here and there. Meanwhile, Kochs are buying more pubs up. Message prevention has become the industry standard.

    How oh how are we going to stop this monstrous rot.

  3. While I was reading that I remembered the litany that we used to hear during All Souls Day.

    te rogamus audi nos

    (Rough English translation, "Terry's got a snotty nose." I'm not sure why.)

  4. For TV, I mostly watch PBS and I am getting fed up with the ads with the young woman talking about what a great job the fossil fuel industry is doing creating jobs and securing our countries future. We really need to see the "Exxon hates your children" ad for a little balance.

  5. Droppings along the bunny trail ... Posted by EliRabett at 11:27 AM ... From the runs of the model I looked at, it looks like. Business NLP


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