Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Rev Al Explains Climate Change

FWIW, Mrs. Rabett Eli's mom, taught Al in elementry school. Her verdict was "a born instigator".


  1. An engineer-level derivation to inject Mike in the conversation:

    Al is using the D word.

    Mike is using that same word.

    What about Mike?

  2. The chap speaking on "Fox and Friends" uttered some very true words on climate change and mankind's non-influence. He said, "I hardly think...". And there's the nub of the problem.

    Cymraeg llygoden

  3. Well color me stoopid, that is they call me "Hey Stoopid".

    "Only when the last tree has been cut down; Only when the last river has been poisoned; Only when the last fish has been caught; Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."

    "An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life:
    A fight is going on inside me, he said to the boy. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too.
    The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,Which wolf will win?
    The old Cherokee simply replied, The one you feed."

  4. Would you like your wolf with a side order of Cherokee?

  5. Thanks, Al Sharpton, for summarizing the situation. Al knows the score.

    Although Al Sharpton has something of a mixed reputation (especially among whites), for a long time his effort was nearly the only response to police brutality cases.

    Calling Al Sharpton an "instigator" is a honorary title. I know what southern whites called Martin Luther King...

  6. Al Sharpton? On science? I am just waiting for him to have another round of false accusations against someone without knowing the FACTS of the case and situation. Perhaps supports here will pay his legal fees which include losing civil suits about defamation of character. Reminds me of Mann, similar but not quite the same, but cut from the same cloth.

    What is funnier is you all believing Obama's bs about climate change he mentioned in his overly political speech at the Inaugeration. Another 4 years of disappointment for you all, sorry.

  7. Worth it for 'Republicans and facts don't mix' alone!


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