Friday, October 26, 2012

Sometimes Auld Acquaintance Would Be Better Forgotten

Barry Bickmore links to recent developments in Gibraltar, where after a week, everyone has had enough Mmonckton
Netto a ‘nit picking Monckton’ says Govt
The Government has hit out at ‘nit-picking’ Opposition member Jaime Netto, call him the “Lord Monckton of this Government’s Health and Safety policy.” In their statement they say that it is clear to them that Mr Netto has set himself up as the ‘Lord Monckton’ because during the Tuesday Health and Safety meeting he was seen busily scribbling down notes only during the addresses given by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Minister for Health and Safety, Paul Balban, but that Mr Netto stopped taking notes “as soon as the visiting experts began their talks.” This according to the Government makes it clear to them that “Mr Netto was there purely to nit-pick the Government’s ministers rather than to offer any genuine contributions to the debate.”
Eli prefers a 'nit picking McIntyre' but there is no disputing bad tastes in the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Back in undergrad a prof suggested that there was special distinction in having something not just named after you, but having it uncapitalized (eg hamiltonian). The same goes for the negative (eg quisling, santorum). Something to work towards, mayhap.


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