Friday, October 26, 2012

J Bowers" Has the gazelle just fired a shot across the nose of everyone's favorite hyena?

Well yes, and Eli has the email to prove it. This starts with the usual Friday morning wake up from the hyena:
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 10:09 AM 
From: 'Marc Morano'
Cc: ''; ''

Subject: Alert: Nobel Committee Rebukes Michael Mann for falsely claiming he was 'awarded the Nobel Peace Prize' -- 'Michael Mann has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize' [Note: Michael Mann and his attorney are copied on this email alert.

Also see: Must Read Background report: Climate Depot's Exclusive Report Challenging Michael Mann's climate claims
Nobel Committee sets Mann straight: '[Mann] has taken diploma awarded in 2007 to IPCC (& to Al Gore) & made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma' [Mann] did not receive any personal certificate' -- Geir Lundestad, Dir. Prof. for The Norwegian Nobel Inst.: 1) Michael Mann has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 2) He did not receive any personal certificate. He has taken the diploma awarded in 2007 to IPCC (& to Al Gore) & made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma'

Nobel Committee corrects Mann: 'The text underneath diploma is entirely his own. We issued only the diploma to IPCC as such. No individuals on IPCC side received anything in 2007' -- Nobel Committee: 'Unfortunately we often experience that members of organizations that have indeed been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize issue various forms of personal diplomas to indicate that they personally have received the Nobel Peace Prize. They have not.'
At 10:43, the gazelle shoots back
How we know that Marc Morano will lie about anything for his funders (the Koch Brothers and Scaife Foundations:

has issued the following lie about me through his "Climate Depot" site: "He [Mann] did not receive any personal certificate. He has taken the diploma awarded in 2007 to IPCC (& to Al Gore) & made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma".

Both statements are lies (i.e. not only are they untrue, but Morano must certainly--or should--know that they are untrue). Morano must know that (1) the certificate on display at my facebook page (and is available here for anyone to see) is the precise certificate that was sent to me and *ALL IPCC LEAD AUTHORS* signed by IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri, formally acknowledging my "contributing to the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 to the IPCC". It is an actionable lie to claim either that (1) I did not receive such a certificate or (2) that I in any way modified the text in any conceivable way.
These are ugly lies from someone who is*known* for ugly lies.

The only thing I did at all was to put the certificate in a frame, and display it in my office where anyone can see it. This certificate is identical to every other certificate sent to every other IPCC lead author by the IPCC (w/ the exception of the name specified, which is different of course for each individual).

We now know that Marc Morano and his ilk will lie about literally anything to smear climate scientists and climate science, just as he lied about Senator John Kerry when he helped manufacture the "Swift Boat" smear back in 2004.

I thought I had seen the lowest of the low from professional climate change deniers, but this is indeed a new low for them.
And the hyena has seen enough
Update: Climate Depot corrects Nobel Committee on One Point: IPCC added text to certificate, not Mann RE: Alert: Nobel Committee Rebukes Michael Mann for falsely claiming he was 'awarded the Nobel Peace Prize' Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 12:13 PM
From: 'Marc Morano'
Cc: ''; ''

The Nobel Committee (as reported by the Examiner) incorrectly claimed Michael Mann had added text to his (IPCC issued) Nobel certificate.  In fact, the IPCC issued the certificates with the text on them to IPCC participants. Mann did not add the text. Here is a photo of an IPCC certificate:
Now some, not Eli to be sure, may wonder what happened.  Morano has never backed off.  His usual is to double down.  However, in this case Mike Mann has shown that he can make more trouble for Morano than Morano can make for him, an interesting switch for Morano.  One can bet that lawyers were consulted.  One may wonder if the Nobel Prize business in the complaint against Steyn and Simberg was a trap?  Shades of Lewandowsky Gate young robin 

Over at Volokh, Jonathan Adler asks for more popcorn, and

Eli points out that well yes, but owing to climate change the price of popcorn has increased.

Xonocles demurrs no, the price is going up because the economy is getting better.

Turning Leaves looks for the root cause: Yep, the drought was caused by the heat generated by the economic recovery.

Isaac Bresnik is obsessed by the election:  Damn that Obama for restoring the American economy! He should have let it languish.


  1. Michael Mann was not awarded the Nobel Peace Prize as he claims.

    Keep diverting away from that fact and circle around your Jim Jones.

  2. Anon, are you not quite right in the head?

    All the lead authors received them.

    Mann received his exactly as stated.

    Go back to your parallel universe.

  3. The idiotosphere has, of course, run rampant with this, and Mann has accordingly been presented with a tempting range of targets he might pick off at his leisure...

  4. @Tenney

    You might want to check with the Nobel people and get your facts straight.

  5. Anonymous fool - is this all because you and your ilk can't differentiate between corporations and people?

  6. @Bill

    For you.

    Geir Lundestad, Director, Professor, of The Norwegian Nobel Institute emailed me back with the following:

    1) Michael Mann has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
    2) He did not receive any personal certificate. He has taken the diploma awarded in 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (and to Al Gore) and made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma.
    3) The text underneath the diploma is entirely his own. We issued only the diploma to the IPCC as such. No individuals on the IPCC side received anything in 2007.

  7. Now the update. Michael Mann did not add anything to the cardboard sitting in his office, that was the IPCC that did that. But the fact remains, Mann was not awarded the nobel Peace Prize as confirmed by the entity that awards them.

    You think you guys would just admit this and move on, but the Jim Jones types need followers (that's you).

  8. 'Now the update'? Thanks for confirming that you haven't even read the post above!

    Tenney had you (or, should I say 'y'all') at 'not quite right in the head'.

    Seriously - abstract professional entity wins peace prize / entity issues certificates to actual persons who coordinated the prize-winning output of the entity saying 'hey, we won the peace prize because of you' / clown like Morano runs ludicrous - but sadly characteristic - smear as detailed above / faithful army of trolls - that's you Sunshine - spatter this denialist chum-nugget across the web via the well-worn technique of mindless repetition without bothering to even read the posts they're theoretically commenting on...

    Plus ça change!

  9. Ohohoho. Morano backing down? He's definitely scared. Never thought I'd see that blowhard pussy out from a spat LOL.

    @Anonymous aka Thomas Richard,


    Once you get off on your Jim Jones fetish, I look forward to your contacting these laureates on their apparent "error" LOL.

  10. I am sure Marc Morano is a dreadful person and Michael Mann will soon be rightfully pursuing that musty old lion in a gazelle like way, er from the watering hole of fame (this metaphor is getting well mixed!)

    However. The alleged libel that Mann mocked up a certificate seems to have wholly originate from Norway (from a Moose?)

    "He has taken the diploma awarded in 2007 to IPCC (& to Al Gore) & made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma"

    This idea seems to only have its origin via Geir Lundestad, Dir. Prof. for The Norwegian Nobel Inst.

    You really don't know how much utter delight I would feel if Mann decided to sue this representative of the Nobel Peace prize committee to correct this egregious calumny! ;)

  11. Interesting read BTL at Jonathan Adler's post. Thanks, Eli.

  12. I've been too busy to mess with this silliness, but the Norway thing is silly. I've seen a picture of Trenberth's certificate and it look's the same as Mann's, except for the name.

  13. LMAO

    The certificate in Mann's office does NOT mean he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The people at Nobel have already said this.

    The certificate is a thank you card from the IPCC nothing more.

    Wow you guys are hilarious..

  14. @Mashey wants to know if they can use your posted picture here for the word duplicity?

    Is that OK?

  15. Just to get technical, according to wiki, Geir Lundestad "serves as the director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. In this capacity, he also serves as the secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. However, he is not a member of the committee itself."

  16. "The Nobel Committee
    (as reported by the Examiner) <== there's your problem!
    incorrectly claimed Michael Mann had added text to his (IPCC issued) Nobel certificate."

    Rib Smokin' Bunny

  17. @Holly Stick said...
    - Just to get technical, according to wiki, Geir Lundestad "serves as the director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. In this capacity, he also serves as the secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. However, he is not a member of the committee itself."

    I love technical thanks for that nugget. So Lundestad – the same guy who was the go-to guy to rightfully slap down Monckton's pretensions – may be a bit hokey and not a credible authority here?

    Mmm I get it.

    So maybe Lundestad is actually some guy who just puts on a Norwegian accent saying silly things to confuse people who dial the wrong number in Norway? (can’t be Peter Cook he’s dead). However you do realise you may have opened the door to doubt so that maybe Monckton could also still rightfully claim to be a Nobel Laureate? :(

    Oo er…

    Oh I know that’s not possible because Monckton didn’t get one of those sweet little commemorations from er, who exactly?

    Oh, I know. R. Christ and R. K. Pachauri. They whose signature was on the certificates of benefaction.

    Where they where definitely authorised by Norway to distribute subdivisions of a prize that was awarded to an abstract entity? ;)

  18. Gee, and if the Beatles had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize we'd have obsessive dorks taking McCartney to task for claiming he was a co-recipient, would we?

    This is one of the most blatantly pathetic skits ever written by the Denialati, and that's really saying something. All the while lauding, in their best post-Ironic manner, the egregious buffoonery of the risible Lord Monckton...

    Lest we forget, geniuses, the point is Morano had to scramble hastily into reverse - after bragging about having copied Mann's lawyers in to his original sneering missive and all - because the claim about Mann creating his own certificate was blatantly false. As would have been obvious to anyone who took the 2 seconds required to read the bloody thing!

    And the guy from the Nobel committee (or thereabouts ;-) ) was also waaaaaay out of line, given he's the apparent source of this genuinely stupid and offensive claim. I trust words have been had with him.

  19. @bill said...
    "Gee, and if the Beatles had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize we'd have obsessive dorks taking McCartney to task for claiming he was a co-recipient, would we? "

    That is a good example thanks Bill.

    The Beatles never won a collective award like say a Nobel prize for them all as a group – as if they were an abstract entity that brooks no subdivision - but they did actually win awards that distributed so finely that one of them famously later rejected the award without damaging the reputation of the rest of the receivers who were happy to carry on being known as recipients of the award AFAIK.

    This makes me think of a hypothetical scenario...

    If, say, Trenberth spat his dummy and said he was disgusted by being associated with the Nobel Peace prize award - would his protest be of the same merit as John Lennons?

    Would that – could that - make that whole award of the Nobel up for debate?


  20. a_ray_in_dilbert_space27/10/12 9:08 PM

    So, is Anonymous fool Poptech or merely some other inferior bot?

    Note how it is incapable of engaging on the facts, but merely repeats the accusation and accuses the posters here of hypocrisy.

    I hope it is a bot. I'd hate to think a human being could be so dumb.

  21. I'm going to assume that some flesh and blood people read WUWT and make "serious" comments on it of the same vein as are discussed in the complaint.

    That is an existence proof. :-(

  22. Maybe the next Morano faux scandal will be: "IPCC found to have taken credit for work done by Mann and other scientists by accepting Nobel Prize". See it's that naughty IPCC again.

    Or we can just ignore Morano and the world becomes a lot saner.

    Regards, Millicent.

  23. John Mashey28/10/12 2:21 PM

    J Bowers
    See Sourcewatch on Jonathan Adler.
    Note that he worked at CEI 1991-2000, during a period when CEI was the 4th biggest thinktank recipient of tobacco funds from Philip Morris. See Fakery 2, p.39, $895K, behind CATO, but well ahead of Heartland.

    tobacco archives search for him

    Among the hits is: Camel hunting with the FTC, by Jonathan Adler

    1994: CEI got $150K from Philip Morris, but I suspect they did OK from Reynolds, too.

    He was right with Joe Bast in defending Reynolds' right to use Joe Camel to kill children, slowly. See Fakery2 discussion, p.38.

  24. @ John Mashey, I think the disussions in comments are still interesting. There seem to be a few with a genuine legal background there, and they're certainly not all gung-ho for the defendants. The Nobel Prize fixation shows that there are a number of CEI fanboys who don't get the difference between a court of law and FOX News studio. Propaganda just don't work on a judge, and the Nobel Prize isn't part of the libel litigation anyway. But someone in the Adler comments made a very interesting observation which I won't give away here :)

  25. John Mashey28/10/12 4:56 PM

    J Bowers:
    For sure, but life is short, and I really dislike the blog software used at Volokh (and elsewhere), among other thing for its annoying relabling of dates that make it hard to figure out temporal sequences, especially after a few days have passed, much less longer times.

    However, I do think the calibration of Adler as having worked for CEI and being a contributing editor to NR might be relevant, and as a Joe Camel supporter, too. That may even be wroth a blog post.


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.