Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another Damn Survey

Grist does a Lewandowsky  but with better cartoons.


  1. 42, which of course is the answer to life, the universe and everything!

  2. 43 plus a follow from the wonderful Franke James :)

  3. 46.

    Am I really that agro?

    Bernard J. Hyphen-Anonymous XVII, Esq.

  4. 37, but I'm a little surprised.
    (ps - I've been waiting for years for McI to make a mistake in PCA that fits into my expertise - finally!)


  5. "I've been waiting for years for McI to make a mistake in PCA that fits into my expertise - finally!"

    Stewart, does that mean that you've been posting somewhere? Do share!

    Bernard J. Hyphen-Anonymous XVII, Esq.

  6. Bernard, good question. IMO Stewart is one who speaks up rarely but when he does you'd better sit up and take notice.  (Unlike people like Sou who makes a lot of noise and keeps repeating herself!)

    He has made very valuable posts on Shaping Tomorrow's World (and here) and on Coby's blog (and maybe elsewhere).

  7. So, since you bring up petroleum geologists, have you read the back page of the latest EOS?

    Dr. Bitz is quoted.

    I suspect some editor at EOS is going to get whacked for publishing the truth about this reorganization.

    Those who've paid their dues (a mere $20/year) will have the paper copy handy; this is the story:

    Full Article - AGU
    6 days ago – Cavanaugh sent Eos a statement noting that the intention ... the reorganization is to “position the Foun- dation to be ... Cecilia Bitz, chair of the Advisory Com- mittee for ... such as the Arctic, said the realignment “is a major and ...


    Yes, this really ought to be posted at the Policy Lass's page, but a lass, a lack.

  8. harrumph. Today's NYT:

    "... Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenland’s massive ice cap recedes, forming the basis of a potentially lucrative mining industry.

    One of the world’s largest deposits of rare earths sits just outside Narsaq."

    Sorry, Dr. Bitz.
    Your ice was standing in the way of $$Profit$$.

  9. Greenland's bogus ruby mines should breathe new life into the Vancouver Stock Exchange, once McIntyre has confirmed the reserve statistics.

    Robies are mostly alumina you see, and alumina constitutes over 10 % of most rocks . That's 500,000 carats of alumina oper tonne and if 1% of that is gem quality, subglacial Greenland real estate is worth upwards of $500,000,000 a square meter.

    With numbers like that, sending geologists is superfluous- just send a press release to Fox News.

  10. Lol - I wonder how 'frustrated egregious' Anonymous would go on the Grist/James challenge?

  11. I thought I was the aggro.

    OK. Perhaps I'm more control, these days.

    Might explain my Magic Decks.

  12. 45, but I exaggerated with what I wish I did over what I actually do.

  13. rubies in Greenland? (speechless, sorta)


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

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The management.