Saturday, August 20, 2011

Listen to the Bunny

Since Rabett Run appears to be doing politics, and with the latest developments in Libya, let Eli point to a comment of his over at the weasel's digs in March

The lesson here is Bosnia and Afghanistan early on. You don't need very skilled allies on the ground if the other side can't lift its head out of the sand without being shot up from the air.

Posted by: Eli Rabett | March 21, 2011 12:07 PM

Listen to the Bunny


  1. Shocking edit timing on that Monkees' vid.
    What were they using for timecode?
    A water clock? Or those stripey, King Alfred-style candles?

  2. The professor sagely says: "You don't need very skilled allies on the ground if the other side can't lift its head out of the sand without being shot up from the air."

    Indeed, and the scientific community is being driven more deeply into the sand by the ReichMedia's air force that provides continuous cover for its drooling, unskilled Evangelical Stoßtruppen.

    The latest: "Fox's Averages One Distortion Per Minute In Assault On Clean Energy"
    You can be sure they are working diligently to "improve" figure.

  3. Correction to post above, line before link:

    That's: " ... working diligently to 'improve' THAT figure."

    John Puma

  4. Assertion also supported by Part 1 of the Afghan War. Hasn't gone so well lately though. Kevin Drum once argued foreign intervenors always fail when fighting guerillas. I don't think that's true - Cubans in Angola - but it isn't a good record overall.


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