Sunday, July 03, 2011

Gueesss Who?

Scott Adams on rejectionists.


  1. Shouldn't that be "heretic?"

  2. Point taken, but Scott Adams?


  3. Seems Scott is still trying to "win" his argument that men are terribly persecuted in our society because they aren't allowed to rape...

    Puts all those cartoons about idiots in a sad but interesting new context.

  4. As a barrator given to bullying up to the bar, like his hero Cuccinelli, Chris Horner must be chuckling at the eponymous medical misfortune of Andy Revkin, whose Dot Earth column today featured this link , which sounds like bad news for bunnies:

    Painful Horner Syndrome as a Harbinger of Silent Carotid Dissection.

  5. As an example of bullying in retreat, take a quick hop over to the Chronicle of Higher Education's blog page, Innovations, to watch their president, Peter Wood, scamper hastily after attacking John Mashey and Michael Mann. Eli's paw prints have been found there.
    Taylor Bunny
    Captcha "agspin" hehe

  6. A quick correction: Peter Wood is president (for the time being) of the National Association of Scholars (NAS), on whose behalf he wrote commentary for the Chronicle of Higher Education blog page, Innovations. He's not the president of the CHE.
    Taylor Bunny

  7. CHE's "Innovations" blog is very sketchy, they also feature conservative think tank shills who constantly argue for the destruction of public higher ed.

  8. I suggest flagging his reply as inappropriate. Have fun!


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