Saturday, February 12, 2011

Underground Music

Conductor: from Alexander Chen on Vimeo

Found on the NY Times. Not quite music of the spheres, Alexander Chen turns the NY subway into a stringed instrument. As trains cross a string is plucked. A more complex version is also on line, and you can see how the piece was developed at vimeo. Guaranteed to sooth both visually and aurally after the recent stupidities get you all cross and bothered. Eli recommends :)


  1. Thank you Eli. That is my kind of music and the visuals were great. Liked the transition from night to day :)

  2. Lovely! Immediately begun to wonder wether there would be musical similarities between London and New York metros (or Finnish InterCity Rail) :-)

  3. What does underground music mean? Like what kind of music does it include?

  4. Well, there are a few jokes in there. Many subway systems allow musicians to play in the stations and passageways so that they can collect money from travelers, and of course another word for subway is underground (as in the London Underground).

    New York even has tryouts

    Underground music also refers to music that wants to stay out of the mainstream and restrict itself to small groups of listeners with common interests

  5. When did underground music become associated with quality and creativity?


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