Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Creature from the Pielkesphere

The Creature from the Pielkesphere has been nattering on about how it is so un-nice to point out the dangers of abusing the atmosphere. Keith particularly waved his pearls at Joe Romm and Brad Johnson, although Eli is on the not suitable for dinner list. Give the lad credit, at least he has moved the target from doing something in the sweet bye and bye to doing stuff for other reasons now. (Yes, this is obscure, but see below)

Throbgoblins gets it in one


  1. Lucky for Isaac Newton the intertubes weren't around in his day.

    Anonymous Etc

  2. Eli, from reading your posts we share a similar opinion of Keith Kloor's behaviour on his blog. He appears to value 'politeness' and 'niceness' above all else. He miscronstrues straight talk as impoliteness. As long as one is 'nice', you can say any darn thing you like, whether it's made up stuff or gobbledegook (eg Curry does both quite well, and KK thinks she's 'quite nice').

    In that post of his you link to above, he's being silly once again. I have no beef with the Berkeley study - but I also agree with Joe Romm and Brad Johnson's take on the media reports.

    There is no site that I know of that reports 'what we can and are doing about it' better than ClimateProgress. It's the best single source of info around the world of what is happening with technology, government policy, local action, ideas for what individuals, groups and government can do and are doing etc.

    KK, on the other hand, with his pretence of obsession with 'nice' and happy endings is one of those revoltingly smarmy people who wallows in innuendo and manufactured intrigue.

    I rarely visit his site these days, it's a waste of cyberspace. Apart from it making me want to throw up, after helping show up Curry a few months ago (without baiting, regardless of Curry's spin), he asked me not to comment if I can't be 'respectful' - and I can't be his version of 'respectful'. I prefer to tell it like it is. Generally I'm polite about it.

    BTW - if this post is too impolite for the bunnies on this site, please delete it :)

  3. That cartoon is so spot on that it scares me.

  4. Wow! Neven, now Ted Fonda-Turner & others are scared too... As for me and a bunch of like minded folks, we are just pissed off with all the so-called czars & princesses. Now the US has them; just like Pharaoh did in the old days. The big-diff today, is now we can read the overseers mail like this... in almost real time. We don't even have to wait four millennia for the priests to read them to us, you know---The unwashed of the world:)

    Seems we just can't buy enough good scientists these days. Inflation?.)
    What, do you think?...

  5. OK Folks, how about this?...

    What happened to the priest-hood of Babylon?
    What happened to the priest-hood of Egypt?
    What happened to the priest-hood of the Mayan?
    What happened to the priest-hood of Easter Island?
    What happened to the priest-hood of the Nazca?
    What happened to the priest-hood of the Anastasias?

    How many more times will the priest-hoods of the world disappear because of the sacrifices they always require of The People; all because the priests divine/control the weather? I am not a statistician but I see a pattern. You?

  6. Reminds me of this one:

  7. In practice, how a non-alarmist fire drill works:

  8. JCH, Do ya think 'W' was in the crowd, lots of hands flashin the 'Hook-em-Horn's'; too. They say "it don't mean nothing", we know better though, don't we? Keep watching your 6, out.

  9. Oh; I almost forgot to mention...The next time you watch a 'This Bud is for you' ad, watch and see if you see the big 'Hook-em-Horn's' hand sign that takes up the whole last frame of said ad, on TV... You know, the 'King of Beer's'... Not that this means anything...

  10. בְּאֵר


    be·ār' (Key)

    Part of Speech

    proper locative noun

    Root Word (Etymology)

    The same as בְּאֵר (H875)

    TWOT Reference


    Outline of Biblical Usage
    Beer = "well"...?:o)

    1) an oasis rest in desert during the Exodus

    2) a city west of Hebron

  11. In practice, how a non-alarmist fire drill works:

    Dude, don't do that. Now I can't sleep.

  12. Wiki-leaky-anony-mouse,
    Woodland creatures worldwide are shocked, shocked that negotiations and intelligence-gathering are taking place in the diplomatic casino! BTW, who did you say was doing illegal hacking? Must have been some teenage mice with too much time on their paws.

  13. All this cartoon lacks is a third character taunting the old guy Frank about his poor messaging and how he's losing the argument.

  14. > All this cartoon lacks is a third character
    > taunting the old guy Frank
    > about his poor messaging
    > and how he's losing the argument.

    ...and then his pants caught fire

  15. Scientists are compared to a priesthood of ancient civilizations. How true.

    Here's another example, ripped from today's headlines:

    In Los Angeles, the owners of the Dodgers, Frank McCourt and his wife Jamie McCourt are having a very messy public divorce. Among the court revelations, according to the LA Times, is that the McCourts made "payments to Russian physicist Vladimir Shpunt for channeling positive thoughts to the team [the Dodgers]".

    Why didn't I think of that? If I had only had the wit to write ..."Dear Jerry Jones: I'll use Quantum Electrodynamics to help the Cowboys regain the bluster, swagger, and winning ways that they had in previous decades. For only $500K, I'll use nanotechnology to polarize the vacuum, and the Cowboys will be once again be America's team. Sincerely, XXX, Professor of Physics"

  16. I've been keeping my hands off the KK site due to lack of time. I am also deficient in scientific training, but not in understanding of what science is and does; flawed as it is, it's the only game in town to explore, identify facts, develop and increase understanding. Some scientists from unrelated disciplines pronouncing on climate are not able to accept uncertainty - climate is a chaotic system, but not so chaotic that it can't be studied and understood better as evidence grows. Then there's the knee-jerk reaction to the word model: models are useful and no scientist treats them as holy ground, despite the campaign to say they do.

    Here's the beef: Andy Revkin 'misspoke' (though it appears he doesn't know it) in saying there is no "discernible" effect of climate change on US weather (Anna Haynes cites Newsweek's excellent article by Sharon Begley on fractional attribution). He is moving the goalpost here. The fact that the system is so complex that individual weather events cannot be nailed down does not mean that those of us who have been around a while are not seeing what we are seeing, or that understanding of what is going on has been canceled.

    OTOH, there is beef on "our" side. Andy is *not* a denialist, and those saying he is are driving him into the arms of a more sympathetic audience. One could wish he did not exhibit this all too human trait, but the extremists among us are driving away people who might otherwise think a little harder about what is being said.

    When someone is told they are something they know they are not, that discredits the person making the accusation, and, by association, those with similar views. It is not helpful to label people or to always see black and white. That's a might small tent ...

  17. I love Throbgoblins, which can also be found at

    Here's an all-time favorite, on the "trick"!

    (found by using the tag "science"; the site is a tad clunky to navigate; the others are great too)

    I just used my google account above, but am now signing in as Susan Anderson and joining the anonymice. Apologies for typos.

  18. t_p_hamilton8/12/10 5:06 PM

    Anonymous said:"Why didn't I think of that? If I had only had the wit to write ..."Dear Jerry Jones: I'll use Quantum Electrodynamics to help the Cowboys regain the bluster, swagger, and winning ways that they had in previous decades. For only $500K, I'll use nanotechnology to polarize the vacuum, and the Cowboys will be once again be America's team. Sincerely, XXX, Professor of Physics"

    Make sure you have the wit to sign it Deepak Chopra, and it would work. Throw in some Q-bands to boot

  19. What does it mean when the water holes of the 'city', dry up? Feeling a bit thirsty? Throats, feeling a bit parched--- you can't go here anymore...

    How have all the smartest people in the world missed it? You have to wonder... thick as a brick?

  20. Note that the Priesthood of the Anonymous was not represented in last years Easter Parade


  22. The most amazing thing about even-the-Audubon*'s Kloor is that, frankly, a lot of what I *wasn't* saying about him but he was projecting I was, turned out to be true as well.

    *The best greenwashed attacks on environmentalists come from subverted conservationist or environmental (or scientific) organizations. Just as the New Republic's unofficial nickname became "even the liberal New Republic" as in "even the liberal New Republic agrees that some combination of fascism and Gingrich's Contract with America is the best solution to our ills. Also, invade Iraq."

    wv: trillend. We can only hope.

  23. Anon ask:

    "How many more times will the priest-hoods of the world disappear because of the sacrifices they always require of The People; all because the priests divine/control the weather? I am not a statistician but I see a pattern. You?"

    I can't figure out who he thinks the priest-hoods are analogous to today, the guy using observations to warn of "FIRE" or the guy not paying attention.

    Since the Easter Island economy collapses due to environmental destruction I think anon is not a troll, but is pointing out that inactivists have a religious adherence to dimissing data that conflicts with their ideology.


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.