Saturday, October 31, 2009

Freak this poll

Tom Fuller has put up a push poll, here is the you are a pigeon question
Which, if any, of the following statements comes closest to capturing your attitudes and opinions about global warming? (We'll give you a chance to amplify in your own words later--but I need to pigeonhole--umm, stereotype--umm, put you in a 'box' if at all possible. If necessary, just pick the least objectionable statement, or indicate that you prefer not to say.)

O I believe global warming is the crisis of this generation, and should be the highest priority for policy makers right now.

O I think global warming is undoubtedly real and a serious problem, but I think it has been 'overplayed' by the press, politicians and some organisations.

O It looks to me like global warming probably has a grain of truth in it, but it's almost certainly not as bad as it has been made out to be.

O I believe global warming is true, but not man-made.

O I don't believe global warming is true. I think natural forces account for the changes in climate and there's no need to look at human contributions--which in any event have not been proven.

O This issue is not even at the top of my radar screen. I don't pay much attention to global warming or climate change, it doesn't influence how I live, how I spend my money, who I vote for--I don't really pay too much attention to this.

O I prefer not to say.
Note the airspace between the first and the second choice and the fine gradations between the rest. Tom is also pushing the Superfreaks and the Breakdown Institute pretty hard as a charter member of the Roger Pielke Jr. Climate Blogging Delay and Bad Science Society***. Who could have guessed.

*** Alcolytes include the rebuilt mothership, Kloor-a-Mole, the Fuller nuts man and My Way featuring RP Sr. and the emeriti. There is poll pushing going on in blog city friends, this is featured at the Roger and the older Roger. Freak that poll!!

And in case you wonder why Eli writes for free

For those who don't play in this sandbox. Fuller's first statement
O I believe global warming is the crisis of this generation, and should be the highest priority for policy makers right now.
Is the extreme. There are many gradations between this and the next
O I think global warming is undoubtedly real and a serious problem, but I think it has been 'overplayed' by the press, politicians and some organisations.
such as

O I think global warming is undoubtedly real and a serious problem, that requires immediate and serious action on the national and international levels. It is imperative to cut back emissions significantly as soon as possible


O I think global warming is undoubtedly real and a serious problem. We must immediately slow the growth of emissions.

You get the point.


  1. Does Pielke actually believe that peddling such stuff makes him credible in the policy arena?

    That poll is utter crap.

    Pielke's reputation with scientists seems to be on the rocks.

    You'd think he would at least be trying to salvage his reputation as a policy "expert"

    Pushing nonscientific BS like this poll is hardly the 3ay to do that.

  2. Thanks Eli - interestingly of course the poll results are being tabulated by Fuller and not immediately publicly available.

    Everybody remember to mention Eli Rabett and the other psuedonymi as an important daily source of climate info in the poll :)

  3. Why In It for the Gold is prominently mentioned, and why it doesn't actually link to the "survey":

    Fuller contacted me saying:

    "this survey is not intended to be used as an opinion poll or a census, and will not be used as such. We are not trying to find out how many people 'believe' or 'disbelieve' in global warming. Our purpose is to try and find out if there are areas of agreement on possible policy initiatives going forward."

    I replied "I need to see the survey before I agree to anything, but I think this is a salutary idea in principle."

    Fuller: "I'll try and send a link over before it's published, but I'm working on a tight, if self-imposed, deadline." followed by a link.

    me: "There are far too many problems with it as it stands. Sorry, I won't recommend participation in its present state."

    Fuller: "Thanks for letting me know. Best wishes"

    me: "Don't you want to know what my objections are?"

    Fuller: "If you'd like to detail them, sure."

    At this point the "poll" went live, so it's not as if Fuller had no reason to expect objections.

  4. MT,

    Thanks for the fill in. It is a little hard to decide the balance in Fuller between building circulation (for which he gets paid) and pushing his POV.

  5. I wonder if this has funtential? Seriously, I knew all the Writer's Digest stuff about "examiner" long ago, but almost no one else seemed to. So I've had ages to stew over this.

    What about "joining," pretending loudly you care about the tiny amounts of money involved so they don't just jettison you on Day One, saying in your "articles" whatever the nominal subject is, some comment on the whole process or on other "examiners."

    If they complain, say it stirs up hits. You know, rivalry. All in good fun. :)

  6. In case there was any doubt about the scientific standards of examinerdom:
    Global Warming: A Metaphysical View.
    This is written, I'm sorry to have to report, by a meteorologist.

  7. > why Eli writes for free

    Yegourds, the model is multi-level pyramid marketing!!

    Bring us more suckers and get paid.
    Sign them up ....


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UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

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The management.