Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nil nisi

Speak no ill of the dead is wise advice, so Eli is removing the newly dead Michael Crichton from the Wall of Shame. Crichton himself was not very considerate of others, esp. those who disagreed with him.



  1. Actually, you are not speaking ill of the dead, Eli.

    That would only be the case if you had put it up after he died.

    Chrichton was a second rate author who appealed to (and made a lot of money off of) the American public.

    Not really anything to brag about.

    That may be speaking ill of the dead but it is also true.

  2. Leave him there...
    By taking him off the Wall you're giving him a posthumous credibility.
    Being dead still doesn't make him right. Besides, you're not speaking ill of him...just the truth.


  3. OT, but I only see your links when I click on a particular message. The left side of the home page is a blank.

  4. I believe the sentiment is directed at those who take advantage of death to slander those who have passed. That is not the issue here.

    I agree with the others. Crichton worked hard to earn his place on the wall and death should not be a reason to deny him his due.

  5. OT

    Eli, I am experiencing the same "feature" that bigcitylib describes.

  6. Looks ok to me in firefox on pc and macs

  7. The hounds came-a- running just like you wanted, Rabett. "Speak no ill of the dead" wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more!
    Really grubby, Rabett, really grubby.


  8. JohnS, the non-anon anon (an' on an' on an' on) (TM)

  9. The factually challenged Crichton never could tell the difference between truth and fiction.

    If Crichton doesn't like this then I'll issue a retraction as soon as he demands one!


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

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The management.