Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fafnir Giblets and the Medium Lobster are back

With their global warming update
"Maybe global warming won't be so bad after all," says me. "Like maybe Bangladesh'll like bein underwater. If you think about it havin your country flooded is kinda like spendin every day at the beach!

"Maybe it's a glass-half-full kinda thing," says Giblets. "Like scientists are always going on about how lots of people are gonna die from famine and disease. But you know what you never hear them talk about? How most of those people are complete strangers who probably suck."Go read.
You want more, go to Fafblog and leave your snark in one place.

1 comment:

  1. "You want more, go to Fafblog and leave your snark in one place."

    Oy! Not fair! You can copy Fafblog's snark over here, so you should let us spread our snark everywhere too!


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The management.