Saturday, August 09, 2008

Milankovitch, Landscheidt, Gerlich and Tscheuschner

Chris Colose has spotted the latest impossible thing to swallow before breakfast from one Ahmed Boucenn, The Great Season Climatic Oscillation and the Global Warming. Seriously, the guys at arXiv are going to have to improve their quality control. Chris rips teh sceince to the shreds it deserves, just another guy who overdosed on G&T, but he wonders where the "Great Season" thing came from. Where else, astrology, the original teh sceince, the Sphinx knows
It takes 25,800 years for the Earth’s axis to complete one wobble, sway, or clockwise circle. We call this 25,800-year cycle of our planet the Platonic year. It is also referred to as the precession of the equinoxes or the great year in a comprehensive dictionary. The great year is one of the longest cycles that are well known to our astronomers.


  1. Eli, God granted our Voltairean wish and made all our enemies ridiculous - but He had the last laugh - it made no difference whatsoever, so far.

    So-called climate change is clearly measured by phrenology of the bumps in Mother Earth's skull, recorded in astrological charts, sourced to excess phlogiston, and residually the result of intelligent raining and irreducible climateyness.

    Sun and socialism! Blood and souls for my Lord Goreioch!

  2. Hey, our friends G&T got cited!

  3. For thermodynamics while under the influence??

  4. Wash wrong with a little G&T oshifers sirs?

  5. It's been a "great year" for climate skeptics!

  6. For christ sake, Rabbet can't you ban Marion. The guy us such a wanker. He makes skeptics look good.

  7. maybe you like this link, the four best astrology web sites:

    I wish it´ll be useful for you, cya


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