Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Stern gang

Eli has noted that there are many useful resources about the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, and what is needed is a linked index so that others may enjoy the fulminious debate. This should be regards as a work in progress. Initially we have not included links to blogs or perhaps the most tendacious of comments.

Stern himself:
Important supplementary material
UPDATED: 1/24/07 shown in red, this will be added to over the weekend

UPDATED: 7/27/07 Some more links and comments at The Stern Gang Rides Again. The argument has not advanced much.

UPDATED: 12/27/07 Additional material at Sternly He Said

Short papers by economists on the Review (Adobe Acrobat files except where noted)
Economics Blogs
** means it's just a stub linking to other stuff but the comments may be interesting

Brad DeLong
12/30 The Stern Review on Global Climate Change Once Again
12/18 Do Unto Others...**
12/07 Applied Utilitarianism and Global Climate Change (reply^2 to 11/30)
11/30 Partha Dasgupta Makes a Mistake in His Critique of the Stern Review

Economists View
12/14 Varian: Recalculating the Costs of Global Climate Change
11/10 I'll Take a Little of That Global Warming
11/1 The Politics Behind the Stern Report
10/31 A Turning Point? A touch o the snark...

Environmental Economics
12/14 Varian's take on the critiques of the Stern Review**
12/12 The Hippolytic on Speth on Nordhaus on Stern on Global Warming**
11/25 Nordhaus on the Stern Review
11/05 Now and forever**
11/03 Tol's comment on the Stern Review**
11/02 More on annual climate change costs from the Stern Review
11/01 I don't believe the costs of climate change estimates in the Stern Review
10/31 Some benefits and costs from the UK climate change report
10/31 British climate change report is released**

Marginal Revolution
11/04 The Stern Report on Global Warming

Greg Mankiw
11/27 Dasgupta on the Stern Review**
11/24 Nordhaus on the Stern Review**
10/31 The membership drive continues**

John Quiggin
1/15 Exxon joins the real world**
1/11 Yet more on Stern (quicklinks and brief summaries)
12/27 Sensitivity analysis
12/09 The equity premium and the Stern Review
12/06 Close to zero?
11/19 The Stern Review and the long tail
11/17 Stern on the costs of climate change, Part 1
11/16 Stern on discounting and risk
11/15 Stern on the cost of climate stabilisation
11/01 The Stern Review on MER/PPP

Worthwhile Canadian Initiative
11/04 Flawed discounting of the Stern report

Environmental Blogs

Temas Blog
01/01 Part II Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean
12/26 Part I Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean

Policy Blogs

Post Normal Times
12/23 Paul Baer, The Worth of an Iceberg

11/24 Comment by Richard Tol, he is not happy
11/22 William Nordhaus on the Stern Report **
10/31 A Comment by Richard Tol**
10/30 Stern’s Cherry Picking on Disasters and Climate Change
10/29 An Open Thread on the Stern Review

Published papers (it had to happen):
Published in WORLD ECONOMICS • Vol. 7 • No. 4 • October–December 2006
Part I: The Science
Robert M. Carter, C. R. de Freitas, Indur M. Goklany, David Holland
& Richard S. Lindzen
Part II: Economic Aspects
Ian Byatt, Ian Castles, Indur M. Goklany, David Henderson, Nigel Lawson,
Ross McKitrick, Julian Morris, Alan Peacock, Colin Robinson & Robert Skidelsky
Annex: The Stern Review and the IPCC Scenarios
If Part II is as strange as Part I, sell. There are already comments up and I will let Nexus 6, in measured tones, have a word on this unserious provocation.
...predictably, the critique is the same tired, debunked rubbish from the same shills: Bob Carter, Dick Lindzen, Ian Castles, Nigel Lawson, Ross McKitrick etc. Surely there must be some new crazies out there who can be found to put their name to this stuff....

The science section isn’t aimed at scientists, as anyone with a bit of knowledge of the field can easily pick the distortions, omissions and bizarre logic. It’s aimed squarely at the media, which hopefully by now will have learnt not to fall for it
This is Act II. The prequel was a review of Stern's Oxonia Papers by much the same cast

More interesting will be another review^2 of the Stern Review by Richard Tol and Gary Yohe in the same issue. There is no on line free link that I can find (yet).

Newpaper Commentaries:
Radio show

Unthinking Tanks
Adam Smith Institute

Odds and Ends:


  1. Pielke is wetting his pants because some write from Reason magazine cited him in her Boston Globe column.

    Wonder how much money Reason has taken from Exxon Mobil?

  2. From the Stern Execuative summary:

    "From all of these perspectives, the evidence gathered by the
    Review leads to a simple conclusion: the benefits of strong and early action far
    outweigh the economic costs of not acting."

    ..., as they do in most cases. Hence the old saw about an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure.

    It is also just basic common sense that
    Climate change will affect the basic elements of life for people around the world –
    access to water, food production, health, and the environment. Hundreds of millions
    of people could suffer hunger, water shortages and coastal flooding as the world

    Many of the things that might be done to reduce emissions (eg, efficiency improvements -- ie, better gas mielage) will actually SAVE money, so the conclusions of the Stern report -- that adressing the problem now will cost less 9over the long term) than not doing so -- make perfect sense.

    Unfortunately, common sense is not driving this issue. Instead, monied interests are.

    Anyone who says otherwise is just kidding himself.

  3. Revkin planted the seed and now people like Cathy Young are eating it:

    "There is a growing number of voices in the scientific community that reject both denialism and alarmism on global warming."

    No, the vast majority of the scientific community rejected both from day one.

    Cathy Yound's piece has the usual inaccuracies like this one:

    "Roger Pielke, an environmental science professor at the University of Colorado"

    Pielke is NOT an "environmental science professor". That would mean he is a biologist, ecologist, geologist, etc, which he is not.

    He is a political "scientist" who is a "Professor in the Environmental Studies Program" (according to his own website).

    One must be very careful when reading Young's peices to read between the lines -- and not to take any statement at face value.

    I used to read the Boston Globe becasue i got tired of stuff like Young's. The Globe editorial staff regualrly print her stuff (and that of others) without making any effort to check their "facts".

  4. "I used to read the Boston Globe becasue i got tired of stuff like Young's"

    should read

    I used to read the Boston Globe but quit because i got tired of stuff like Young's.

  5. The entire lagomorph community has reason to be proud of Eli for such a magisterial and useful compilation. Down Under there's even a fence, but that is no reason to spell Quiggin with an "e".

  6. What's Rabett for Aaaarrrrrggghhh. A thousand apologies and a box of carrots.

  7. Mark Kleiman, a professor whose views Cathy Young touts in her recent Booston Globe piece (above), apparently does not want to be seen as Cathy Young's soul mate on the global warming issue.

    As I indicate above, one must be very careful to read Young's pieces with a grain (or is it block?) of salt.

  8. I like your neologism (intentional or otherwise) of 'tendacious' -- this suggests 'tenaciously tendentious.' I found 753 google hits on this spelling. The top hit had another proposed reading: Tendacious = mendacious + tendentious.

    Either one seems to fit here.

    Thanks for a lively site.

  9. I'm honored to be mentioned. Thanks!

  10. Keith R, think nothing of it. Your comments were exactly the kind of serious detailed consideration that is required by the "local" implications of Stern (and the AR4 to come)

  11. These comments have been invaluable to me as is this whole site. I thank you for your comment.

  12. There is plenty of information on the Stern review and a series of blog comments on the globalisation and the environment blog (see Stern Review label).

    This blog is written by environmental economists at the University of Birmingham.

    There is also links to the report, the contents of a workshop on Stern when Tol and others spoke and links to some academic papers.


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