Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mr. Rabett goes to DC...

Eli would like to thank all those who wrote to Senator Barbara Boxer about the US Senate Environment and Public Works blog that Marc Morano was writing. Eli's letter pointed out that it was being written by a staffer, and was certainly not representative of the majority position (Eli can be a VERY serious bunny when needed). While the minority Republicans had a right to have a blog the blog should be labelled as a minority blog, perhaps just senator Inhofe's blog. He got back a form letter saying that Senator Boxer is snowed under and only reads California Email... but guess what folks...

It's now called the "Inhofe EPW Press Blog" It was renamed a couple of days ago, and even got a hi there from the Wall Street Journal.
As the former Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Republican Jim Inhofe was a coruscating critic of climate change alarmism. Now in the minority, he plans to make sure his voice is heard over the din of the media-savvy environmental groups through a new blog.
Send a thank you to Senator Boxer.

And out to Washington...

The cross-country bunnies have told Eli that the Federal Way, An Inconvenient Truth ban has been lifted. Gristmill has that story pointing to an article in the Seattle Times which says:

The Federal Way School Board lifted its two-week moratorium on the global-warming film "An Inconvenient Truth" on Tuesday, but that did not entirely quiet a controversy board members said had spun out of control in recent weeks.

and adds
The board on Jan. 9 declared a moratorium on classroom showings pending a report from district Superintendent Tom Murphy on whether teachers were following district policies on showing movies and presenting controversial materials.
with some backside cover

The board's decision to issue a moratorium was widely misunderstood in blogs and some media reports as a ban on the film. Board members received a flood of e-mail from across the country, most in opposition to their decision, and many containing personal attacks.

"This entire chain of events demonstrates how crucial it is for us all to make judgments after we hear all of the facts, not just what we initially read, hear or watch," said board member Dave Larson, reading from a four-page letter to the community.

However, the Post-Intelligencer which first broke the story has it a bit different
Federal Way Superintendent Tom Murphy said the film has been shown at three high schools. In each case, additional information was presented questioning some of the movie's claims.
Eli knows some furry folk who would have volunteered for that and done a decent job, but unfortunately he rather suspects they brought in Khilyuk and Chilinger to do the honors. He also suspects that there may be a new board in a year or so, when the citizenry raises itself from the usual torpor to toss the current one out.

And back to DC with the Post Intelligencer on the NSTA

This fall, the debate over "An Inconvenient Truth" as an educational tool flared up when the National Science Teachers Association chose not to send its members free copies of the movie provided by the documentary's producers....

Kate Meyer, spokeswoman for the Arlington, Va., teachers group, said a 2001 policy forbids dispersal of material that the group hasn't created or helped create.

"We were fully willing to help publicize the availability of that film," she said. "We just couldn't send it to our members."

Of course this does not include NSTA's 2003 distribution of a Conoco Phillips video, their teaming up with Exxon to distribute anti-environmental regualtion curricula materials, the "Can't be cool without fuel", and of course, the recent clensing of their website of petroleum industry propaganda. Still, we have a bit of progress here...

The group, which provides educational resources to teachers, has a prominent link to the documentary on its Web page.

Asked if she knew of resources for teaching the opposing view to manmade climate change or its damaging effects, Meyer drew a blank.

"I wouldn't even know where to find someone, to be honest."

They could look at their old web site, of course

Now, Eli is not so proud of his ears that he would have anyone think that this was due to the power of the 105,628 th and sinking most important blog (right, wanna bet? grateful for the links we are), but thanks for the thought. Blogs, including those on our blogroll are alerting folk to provocations, the news is spreading and the response is limiting damage, might even be helping. The kitchen is heating up faster than the Arctic.


  1. MOran just blows....loser

  2. Excuse me. Morano just blows....even when I misspell his name.


  3. No, no, let's be fair -- Morano spends half of his time sucking.

    Say, Eli, regarding the NSTA: Have you in your various readings actually seen this here 2001 policy? I ask this because at the beginning of this whole brouhaha there was no reference to it whatsoever, just to the bogus cost issue, and subsequently it's been quoted as meaning somewhat different things by various NSTA operatives. A search of the NSTA website turns it up not. It strikes that me that the ability to disappear down rabbit holes might come in handy here.

  4. Enough with the rabbit puns already. We get it--and it's no longer funny. Nor, for that matter, is writing in the 3rd person.

  5. Speaking for myself, I remain amused.

  6. It is clear that some of the annonymice (perhaps Morono himself) just don't like having their little snout rubbed in the dirt by rabbit.

    One of the things I like about this blog is that it is amusing and does not take itself too seriously (and to be technically correct, wouldn't it be "writing in the 3rd animal"?).

    People who don't like this should saunter over to Prometheus and bloviate with the rest of the policy windbags. That blog generates enough hot air to warm the plaent even if th rest of humanity manages to cut emissions entirely.


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.