Saturday, December 23, 2006

O brave new Blogger....

O, wonder!
How many goodly features are there here!
How beauteous beta is! O brave new blogger,
That has such software in't!


Eli followed the lemmings over the cliff and having done so thought that he would make some changes to improve the readability of Rabett Run and learn some CSS or whatever the hell beta uses. He may have done so. The bunnies in the compositing shop lead the way. The basic design was retained, as was a fairly large serif font for readability. They put the sidebar on the right, where it won't run into images, made the text area bigger, but hopefully not too large for scanning, changed some colors to improve readability (if anyone is color blind, please let us know if it needs another change), fiddled with the line spacing and margins and started going back through the old posts to eliminate misplellings.

The complaint window is open. Suggestions are welcome.


  1. The text on your "About me" section runs right across and overlaps with the text in the post.

  2. Hi,

    What browser are you using??

  3. I think it was IE (wouldn't yah know). I believe I have fixed the blog to display correctly on IE, Firefox and Netscape. Have to check Safari later.

  4. IE is very temperamental.

    Most other browsers are more tolerant of code that is not quite cosher -- anticipating that not everyone writing web pages will be a programming guru.

    It's really kind of ironic: Microsft's own programmers write code that is full of bugs, but for some reason, they assume nobody else will.

  5. Maybe they think they have used up all the bugs? A long time ago, Ms. Rabett gifted me with a needlepoint saying: Computer programmer, mistakes made while you wait.

  6. And I think the sidebar is perhaps a tad too wide? Try 20% perhaps?

  7. Looks fine now, and of course I was using IE6. Maybe I'll get firefox one day. My computer keeps asking me to upgrade to IE7, but I dont know enough about it.

  8. Jiggled things around a bit. One problem was that things were appearing slightly differently on IE, Firefox and Netscape which made them sidebar too wide on IE. I got a bit stricter with the margin definitions, eliminating assumptions. Thanks

  9. Taken care of. Thank you Peter.


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.