Thursday, November 23, 2006

Le Jour de Merci Donnant....

This being Thanksgiving Day in the US, it is a very slow news day with a few traditions, such as Art Buchwald's explanation of the celebration
And so, on the fourth Thursday in November, American families sit down at a large table brimming with tasty dishes and, for the only time during the year, eat better than the French do
But while roasting the bird we happened to read something that explains a lot about Eli, and sets forth your duties, gentle readers. It was in a item that used random quotes to fill out the page:
My uncle had trouble carving the turkey. He complained about the sharpness of the knife. My grandma proceeded to rip the turkey apart with her own hands and throw a leg and breast on everyone's plate and said "There, that's Brooklyn style"
We here do get overly direct, up close and personal at times. Please, when we do, say whoa. Also, inscribe a cute bunny on your hearts for the New Year, and maybe into your blogrolls.

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