Monday, September 04, 2006

The next time someone tries to tell you...........

that there is no consensus on man changing the global climate, point them here. Links to statements by national academies, researchers and governments. We have some really strong contenders in man bites dog industrial category:

Cinergy: “If we stonewall this thing [carbon limitations] to five years out, all of a sudden the cost to us and ultimately to our consumers can be gigantic,"1 – James E. Rogers, manager of 20 coal fire plants

Swiss Re. – (The world's second largest reinsurance company1,2)
"Property. Life. Health. Crops. D&O -- you name it. It's the perfect storm for insurers." 1 - Chris Walker, managing director, Swiss Re's Greenhouse Gas Risk Solutions

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Thanks for the hat tip. I'll have religion added shortly.


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The management.