Monday, September 26, 2016

The Cheery Sound of Heads Exploding in the Morning as Paris Moves Toward Coming Into Force

With India ratifying the Paris Agreement countries with 51.89% of the world's CO2 emissions have joined the club.  The agreement comes into force when the 55% level is reached.  The World Resources Institute has a nice interactive map which allows bunnies to play the who's next game

and a game of poker it will be for countries wishing to have their name attached to the good news to be heard around the world.  Japan with 3.79% of the world's emissions can make it next, as could the EU (12.10%) and Russia (7.53%).  Various alliances are possible for the final push, but Eli is quite enjoying the sound of heads popping in the early morning as the usual suspects contemplate the success of Paris.

Bunnies will always have Paris.


  1. Ok, so when Paris comes into force can we go ahead with the master plan to wreck the world economy abd start WWIII?

  2. Thank you Fernando Leanme for demonstrating who the real alarmists are.

  3. Be carefu what you wish for:

  4. Fernando is right, but because Paris is too little far too late.

  5. What is the cost of a degree of warming?

    Is the second degree the same cost?

    How about the tenth?

  6. What happens if you start at zero K?

  7. Your arse freezes solid.


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The management.