Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Good Luck With That

Willey Miller continues to channel Eli


  1. There are minions though, and they shall smite - with much prejudice...

    They are the laws of physics, of thermodynamics, of nature. And we've broken them, and there will be an accounting.

    Good luck with that...

  2. Here's an opportunity for Russell to point out that "nuclear winter" would have only been a light frosty night or two:

    The Day After and The Fire Next Time: Lessons in Big Message Storytelling

    All storytelling is political in some way, conveying the biases, desires, and fears of the storyteller. But then there are stories with a direct political or social message, not so much woven into the narrative, but spoken outright. When this is done effectively, it can make people rethink the way they look at the world-but when it fails, it can be painful to sit through. Robert Repino compares and contrasts two examples of message-driven storytelling-the sensational 1983 television movie The Day After, which dealt with nuclear war, and the 1993 climate change saga The Fire Next Time-discussing the relative effectiveness and cultural impact of both attempts to dramatize and raise awareness of these critical issues.

    Whether stopping the Russian tanks from rolling across Europe is going to work out well remains an open question ...


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UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

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The management.