Saturday, June 04, 2016

A Weekend Puzzler

The Denialati are busy showing everybunny figures created by John Christy

Excellent examples for the Eli Rabett Weekend Puzzler contest.  To explain why these figures are both correct (well Eli would like to know where those 982 stations are, but he can make a good guess) requires only that the bunnies have been reading and remembering one of Eli Rabett's seminal contributions to combatting bullshit and have a native distrust of a bottom dealer like John Christy. 

Sit back and have a drink of your choice with a partner of your choice.  All entries should include a small check for the Bunny Friend Alliance Ethics Committee and at least one of these


  1. Best ask the Louisiana governator in to exorcise Brother Christy.
    He's presenting a powerful bad case of the Seven Deadly Sins of Climate Statistics

  2. I know where this comes from :-)

    I too would quite like to know more about these figures, so thanks for posting this.

  3. At a guess: lots of station moves from city to airport, more double counting of hot days in the past due to time of observation, US South East heavily oversampled.

  4. I think bluegrue has it ;-)

  5. The USHCN is 1218 stations so which 236 did Christy exclude? He'll have omitted corrections for improved temperature screening which eliminated false highs from sunlight hitting the housings and all other valid corrections for changes.

    Why does he use a different network of thermometers for the 110F graph?

  6. The first places I'd look would be how he treated (or didn't treat):
    Area weighting
    Station moves
    Raw data
    US vs Global data

    Are his 'hot' stations all sitting in one geographic location, for example, Oklahoma?
    Do the numbers change significantly if we include stations he omitted?
    Do the numbers change significantly if we look at raw vs adjusted data?
    Did he account for changes in TOBS?
    Is the US data consistent with global data for the same metrics?


  7. At a guess: lots of station moves from city to airport...

    I haven't looked at the USHCN data, but for the GHCN data, I have a dump of the number of "airport" stations by year -- see below. (Many numbers are fractional -- if a station reported data for 6 months out of the year, I counted it as "half a station").

    Note the number of stations that have temperature data predating the Wright Brothers' first successful flight. ;)

    As you can see from the data-dump below, a very significant fraction of the "airport" stations must have been moved at least once during their history.

    In fact, if you compute global-average temperature results from the raw GHCN temperature data and exclude the "airport" stations from the processing, you will get an amazingly close match between the NASA "meteorological stations" (GHCN-only) results and your own raw temperature results. Throwing out airport stations will visibly reduce the bias between your own raw data results and the NASA results.

    Check out my "all stations" vs "no airport stations" results here:

    The bottom line is, a *lot* of stations were moved from city centers to outlying locations (such as airports) at some point during their history. Filtering out the "airport" stations eliminates many, but not all, of the stations that have been moved (it also eliminates a bunch of stations that likely weren't moved).

    If someone afflicted with OCD wanted to spend the time, he/she could dig into the history of all the airports hosting GHCN stations and compare the age of the airports with the age of the temperature stations located at those airports. From that, one could get a decent estimate of how many "airport" stations were moved and use that info to improve on the results I computed.

    Year #Airport Stations
    1880 136.417
    1881 149.833
    1882 157.584
    1883 158.417
    1884 162.833
    1885 166.75
    1886 178.167
    1887 183.75
    1888 196.417
    1889 209.833
    1890 216.166
    1891 231.333
    1892 256.75
    1893 293.667
    1894 304.25
    1895 315.084
    1896 328.75
    1897 333.334
    1898 335.167
    1899 339.75
    1900 343.667
    1901 343.417
    1902 354.584
    1903 365.917
    1904 368.084
    1905 373.584
    1906 380.5
    1907 394.167
    1908 401.751
    1909 410.75
    1910 417
    1911 428.667
    1912 433.333
    1913 438.666
    1914 444.5
    1915 443.333
    1916 439.417
    1917 440.417
    1918 446.667
    1919 452
    1920 454.834
    1921 470.917
    1922 474.417
    1923 486.584
    1924 496.417
    1925 500.167
    1926 505.834
    1927 508.334
    1928 509.834
    1929 521.083
    1930 527.5
    1931 565.167
    1932 576.75
    1933 584.251
    1934 583.167
    1935 587.75
    1936 593.583
    1937 595.833
    1938 607.333
    1939 624.834
    1940 635.5
    1941 679.751
    1942 692.834
    1943 711.584
    1944 727.166
    1945 762.166
    1946 775.583
    1947 790.915
    1948 898.666
    1949 1072.67
    1950 1122.08
    1951 1408.67
    1952 1471.58
    1953 1511
    1954 1535.33
    1955 1511.17
    1956 1533
    1957 1539.67
    1958 1556.83
    1959 1580.17
    1960 1620.58
    1961 1681.75
    1962 1720.84
    1963 1788.25
    1964 1799.09
    1965 1807.5
    1966 1816
    1967 1808.84
    1968 1785.84
    1969 1778.17
    1970 1768.25
    1971 1656.5
    1972 1651.25
    1973 1646.83
    1974 1636.25
    1975 1621.92
    1976 1578.67
    1977 1578.08
    1978 1576.83
    1979 1534.33
    1980 1522.83
    1981 1457.17
    1982 1385.25
    1983 1381.33
    1984 1366.17
    1985 1339.17
    1986 1332.25
    1987 1333.75
    1988 1322.33
    1989 1322
    1990 1202.42
    1991 1078.42
    1992 1063.08
    1993 1077
    1994 1077.83
    1995 1046.91
    1996 1044.58
    1997 1042.83
    1998 1033.67
    1999 1046.67
    2000 1025.25
    2001 915.167
    2002 913
    2003 936.251
    2004 861.334
    2005 793.667
    2006 783.084
    2007 803.084
    2008 809.417
    2009 819.083
    2010 833.916
    2011 816.166
    2012 822
    2013 823.333
    2014 818.749
    2015 792

  8. Loss of stations since ~1960's plus a predominance of stations located in the Deep South (e. g. midwest southeast and midatlantic, or places where the long term temperature trend is low, say east of 100W and south of 40N).

    Back in my youth, my hometown of Burlington, VT averaged four days per year above 90F.

    Here's another deceptive denier graph for you ...

  9. Interesting charts... Not that they bear any resemblance but they remind me of Matthew Newman's "An Empirical Benchmark for Decadal Forecasts of Global Surface Temperature Anomalies" -

    Related charts -

  10. First figure can be found here (Ted Cruz, 08 December 2015) ...

    ... or here (Lamar Smith, 02 February 2016) ...

    If that figure is in a 'peer reviewed' publication, E&E would be my 1st guess.

  11. Another congressional hearing another link to the 1st deceptive denier diagram here (Lamar Smith 13 May 2015) ...

  12. As one might expect, the peak years in Christy's graph were during the years of the US Dust Bowl. It's now known that those years were the result of poor agricultural practices. As mentioned above, the temperatures in the data sets included stations sited in town, often on the roof of a Weather Service building. The effects of a dark roof would be to warm the recorded temperature relative to that of an instrument sited according to more recent specifications at ground level. As the official weather service sites were moved to airports, a cooling bias would have entered the record.

    For some interesting reading, check out Link and Link. The last paper has lots of references for further research.


  13. Not to disagree with many of the comments, esp about station moves, but as Eli pointed out earlier about the warming hole this is basically card forcing. Looking at days with max temp over 100 F is equivalent to finding Tmax for summertime (although it hit 117 F in CA yesterday and it ain't summer). To quote from Liebensperger et al

    ". . the regional radiative forcing from US anthropogenic aerosols elicits a strong regional climate response, cooling the central and eastern US by 0.5-1.0 °C on average during 1970-1990, with the strongest effects on maximum daytime temperatures in summer and autumn. Aerosol cooling reflects comparable contributions from direct and indirect (cloud-mediated) radiative effects. Absorbing aerosol (mainly black carbon) has negligible warming effect. Aerosol cooling reduces surface evaporation and thus decreases precipitation along the US east coast, but also increases the southerly flow of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico resulting in increased cloud cover and precipitation in the central US. Observations over the eastern US show a lack of warming in 1960-1980 followed by very rapid warming since, which we reproduce in the GCM and attribute to trends in US anthropogenic aerosol sources.

    Our model results show that US anthropogenic aerosols can explain the observed lack of warming over the eastern US from 1930 to 1980 followed by very rapid post-1980 warming. Without US anthropogenic aerosol sources, we find in the model a relatively constant rate of warming over the 1950–2050 period, driven by increasing greenhouse gases. Increasing aerosols until 1980 offset the warming. Decreasing aerosol after 1980 accelerated the warming due to the loss of the aerosol cooling shield. We find that the observed warming from 1990 to 2010 is significantly greater than would have been expected from greenhouse gases alone."

    This is just more of the same flim flam by Christy.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What Eli said.

    And I would put back to Christy to explain what is the trajectory of the integral (number of days over 100 degrees).(cumulative different with respect to 100 degrees) with respect to time.

    That would be interesting to know...

  16. ...difference...

    You get the idea.

  17. Is AGW predominantly about an increase in night time temps?

  18. High optical depth near surface Dust Bowl clouds pose an interesting problem.
    If the aerosol albedo is high, they can lower surface temperatures, but they can also produce an anti-goldilocks IR trapping regime that can lock in tens of degrees while the sun shines-- once in a blue moon high noon simoons need only last hours to break records.

    But what do these phenomenal phenomena have to do with global climate records ?

  19. It does appear Dr Christy is engaged in a shell game of some sort. Motivated by desperation, methinks.

    As others have commented above, raw temperature data is interesting but interpretations are questionable until compared with the homogenized result.

  20. Does Christy have any answer to the graph of temperature vs time, showing 1 degree C rise since 1950?

    Click here

    From Hansen and Sato, updated figures from Storms of My Grandchildren, by Hansen

    By the way, in his book The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, Michael E. Mann states that James Hansen is a lifelong Republican. And so was Keeling.

  21. thereoncewasawindmill, Knutson's paper is interesting, but there's a basic problem, IMHO. The "wet bulb globe temperature" (WBGT) is a measure which indicates short term conditions, while Knutson's work involves monthly averages. From what I've observed, the relative humidity (Tw in Knutson's analysis, also known as "the dew point temperature") tends to vary considerably during the day. The peak value often occurs in the early morning and results from atmospheric cooling during night time, being the limiting temperature as the cooling progresses. Further cooling results in condensation and fog, which keeps the surface temperature form decreasing much further. On the other end of the scale, as the daytime high is approached, Tw may not increase from the daily minimum while the surface air temperature climbs. The other variable, the globe temperature, is what kills folks exposed to outdoor conditions.

    Compared to Christy's graph of temperature extremes on a daily basis, the monthly analysis would be expected to understate the increase in heat stress on humans. An analysis based on hourly values of temperature and humidity would seem to be more appropriate. If Christy provided a list of his stations, one might find enough of them for which hourly data is available in order to calculate time series for the simplified WBGT which Knutson focused on and then look for trends in those data. High air temperature (above 45C) with low dew point temperatures can be tolerable, but dew points above 35C can be lethal.


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