Tuesday, May 03, 2016


Reading legal briefs is not usually a thing of interest, even at Rabett Run.  Popehat points Eli to a friend of the court brief from Marc Randazza in the recent case to determine whether Paramount Pictures owns a copyright on the Klingon language.  Well, maybe simple an acquaintance of the court brief, because as any sentenient Trekkie knows,  Klingon's don't have friends, don't want friends, and as a matter of course, would rather kill any who presumed foolishly to be their friends, somewhat like polar bears but not so cute.  Eating is optional.  Perhaps Eli can give bunnies a taste of the brief and send you on your way to read the whole thing

Plaintiff Paramount Pictures Corporation (“Paramount”) has claimed this copyright interest for many years, but has not actually asserted it in court before now – most likely because the notion of it is(7) .
7. English translation: “it lacks reasons.” Latin transliteration: “meq Hutlh.”


  1. If using the Bing Translator, you'll notice the following if you choose Klingon as one of your languages:

    "In partnership with CBS, Paramount and KLI"

    KLI is the Klingon Language Institute. The KLI site includes the following disclaimer:

    "Klingon, Star Trek, and all related marks are Copyrights and Trademarks of Paramount Pictures."

  2. Wagnerje qab law' QIch, ghoghlaH 'oH

  3. Quite off topic, but for anyone who likes watching DSCOVR imagery
    (click "play" and wait for all of them to load, and they have a back archive)
    lately they've been putting up twenty or more images per day. It's still not enough to escape the uncanny valley -- the planet lurches along like a ticking clock instead of rolling smoothly, and with the jerkiness it's not possible to appreciate how the air flows and clouds move. But it's sure better than the half-dozen pictures they used to offer for a typical 24 hour period. Still erratic. But it moves.

    I've never found a way to identify pictures taken over the same spot day after day, which would be interesting.

    If you want to know what was stolen by making the imagery so chunky instead of live video streaming, glance at Himawari
    (click the "movie" icon) and watch the sky from above. It's much closer to the planet, in geosync, so on ly a partial view, but you can make out the same big cloud patterns on Himawari and on DSCOVR if you look at both for the same time period.


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