Tuesday, November 10, 2015

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  1. I doubt Mexico would be able to handle all the Trumpfugees if the Donald was elected.

  2. Yes, nationalism is so embarrassing, and it's unfortunate for the refugees' cases when they apply for asylum that they can't claim persecution from racism, since race basically does't even exist.

    So sad, all those spanish speaking nationals from central and south American nations. Maybe they should form a union!

  3. I guess i could run them through "cuban training". Make them lose weight, learn a cuban accent and the abuses they suffer living under the Castro jackboot. Once they finish their training I can toss them on a raft 50 miles from Florida. If they arrive they'll do just fine.

  4. Jar Jar Binks is looking ever more Presidential

  5. Let 'm do it and present their daughter.

  6. Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad


    Why bother with the raft? Drop them off in knee-deep water near a decent beach. 100% success rate except for the one dummy who walks seaward.

  7. I had a chemistry professor that would sometimes give us multiple choice questions, where none of the choices were correct. We had to recognize that those were actually short answer questions.

    Likewise, this ballot needs space to write in candidates.

  8. cRR:

    You asked for it -

  9. Donald Trump gets an unexpected endorsement from the journalist Patrick Cockburn, who says that Trump actually knows something about the Middle East. The Obama administration believes (or pretends to believe) that the US is supporting the "moderate opposition" to the Syrian government. Cockburn knows that this a fairy tale. The moderate opposition doesn't really exist. The opposition to the Syrian government is mainly ISIS and similar groups, supported by various Saudi princes.
    Patrick Cockburn's piece can be found here.

    I have also read Patrick Cockburn's The Jihadis Return, a small book from OR press and learned a lot.

  10. Those are not the only choices, fortunately.

    What about John Huntsman or even Mitt Romney?
    Romney should run. He'd beat Clinton. Any of the current chumps, especially Carson and Trump, won't.

    I bet if Romney avoided the entire primary season and just showed up to the convention, he'd be able to finagle the nomination.


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