Sunday, May 18, 2014

Interesting Readings

For the bunnies pleasure:

The Christian Science Monitor on Farmer's Insurance suing a number of midwestern towns for not preparing for climate change leading to insurance losses from flooding.

Paul Krugman Friday on the Point of No Return, which, with respect to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet many have already been passed.

The comments at the Times and elsewhere, have already moved to the fifth stage of denial, there is nothing we can do, so why bother doing anything.  Big error, there may be little or nothing that can be done about that particular ice sheet collapsing, but there is more out there, and continuing on today's course will lead to us passing more and more nasty points of no return. 

Neven talks about the Sea Ice blog at the Sea Ice Prediction Network. 

The Dark Snow Project is gearing up for 2014 and soliciting funds


  1. Jonathan Gilligan18/5/14 11:56 PM

    "The comments at the Times and elsewhere, have already moved to the fifth stage of denial, there is nothing we can do, so why bother doing anything."

    Fans of Albert O. Hirchman observe the rhetoric of reaction cycling once again from perversity (a favorite trope at BTI and SEI) to futility.

  2. The question then being, at what stage will the comments turn to 'Why didn't you warn us?'

  3. Who's that in the UCAR video at 43:32? (UK scientist who has a blog, saying "facts don't change people's minds ... facts don't help, I think").

    The reply to him mentions upcoming survey results that found changing a few words asking the questions made a 17 point jump, changing people's minds, something to look for.

  4. Nobody recognized that guy in the video that I asked about? Alas.

    In other news, there's news:


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