Saturday, March 08, 2014

Another sadly-unpaid endorsement: Duolingo

Here's the article that convinced me to try it after shaking off the Candy Crush demon.

I've now spent about 30 minutes a day for the past month learning languages. Okay, playing/learning languages, but it beats passively listening to Spanish radio. AFAICT you can't do the translations of actual docs on the app but have to go the website - I helped translate one document about renewable energy in Spain, but I'm way too low-level to do anything with the other languages. I just wish they'd add learning non-Indo-European languages from English.

Anyway, for some reason I've been designated brian.schm3 in case anyone else is playing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Here's another site to try if you want to practice speaking a foreign language. WeSpeke. Duolingo uses a game to teach you the mechanics of a language. WeSpeke is a free site where you can practice speaking with native speakers. Lots of folks go from learning on Duolingo to practicing conversation on WeSpeke!



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