Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Christmas Gift

Gregory Thompson, an oceanographer,  has reduced the IPCC WG1 report to a series of 19 illustrated Haiku which can be reproduced as a booklet.  The perfect gift for bunnies who care, and, alas, do not.  The entire series is available at Sightline as a file from which a booklet can be printed or as slides.  There is a video, Eli imagines the phone app will soon appear.


  1. A short list of authors
    Of poems worth remembering
    G. Johnson not on it

  2. A short list of poems
    About the IPCC WG!
    And Greg Johnson is on it

  3. Perhaps Doctor Seitz
    would appreciate these haiku
    set in Italian?

  4. A stuffed owl
    A bunny hops in
    The sound of slaughter


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The management.