Monday, May 06, 2013

New Links

OK, Eli is a lazy bunny, but he has added a couple of new links to the blogroll.  New to the Southerners category is Sou's Hot Whopper, taking new strips off Willard Tony's hide daily, and the 97%ers John Abraham and Dana Nuccitelli hold forth in the Guardian.  That link is posted under mostly science.  Eli also finally put Sydney Padua's  2D goggles, the adventures of Lovelace, Babbage and increasingly Isaac Isambard Kingdom Brunel into the Cuter category.


  1. I think you will also enjoy

    Which is yet another Willard Tony ass-whooping blog, but written without the common snark (quite an accomplishment!)


  2. Sou has a good blog and I check it daily. wottsupwiththatblog is also good but not as much fun because so polite. Without the snark it runs the danger of some thinking those that wear tinfoil hats have valid arguments

  3. I think that should be Isambard Kingdom Brunel, not Isaac Brunel. Brunel has a University named after him, in Bristol.

  4. Scrooge, to be fair I somewhat agree with you. However, given that many other blogs are (justifiably) snarky, I thought I would try something different. It may make no difference, but seems worth a shot.

  5. the anonybunny is nominally correct, though not geographically so: Brunel University is to be found in London, not the south-west.

    --bristle mouse

  6. "Aw shucks", she says modestly, stifling a nervous giggle. "Honoured by a top blogger and Eli" (she's just kidding, she really means a top blogger and Stoat) "as well as taken to be Peter Gleick all in the one 24 hours". :)

  7. There might be something interesting in this direction:

  8. a bit higher level, yes, this is apt to be interesting stuff:


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