Saturday, February 09, 2013

Guides for the Perplexed

NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) has come up with an interesting variation.  Their Climate Data Guides provide expert evaluation of data series.  The graph below describes change in the heat content of the oceans from 1500 to 10 m during the period that the Argo floats have been in opertion.

The guides summarize strengths and weaknesses of the data set as well as expert appreciations. 

There is a little note at the bottom of the page

Click here (log in required) if you are an expert on Ocean heat content for 10-1500m depth based on Argo and would like to contribute Expert User Guidance, Expert Developer Guidance, or Figures to be featured on this page. Corrections and comments are also welcome.

Eli, poor bunny, is banned, but so is Tamino
We encourage constructive comments and interaction. Please remember these guidelines:  Users agree to UCAR's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. For this site, the comments are visible without logging in, but only registered and logged in users may post comments and replies. You may post questions about the dataset, share your experiences using the dataset, provide links to relevant resources, or list your publications that use the dataset. All comments will be signed with your authentic name (no pseudonyms or anonymous comments) and affiliation associated with your user profile and will be moderated; therefore they will not be immediately posted. Questions will be answered as time permits, and we encourage dataset developers or other users to chime in with answers. If you have enough expertise to offer that merits a new page in the Climate Data Guide, please see our contributions page


  1. If the two of you set up a separate comments file, highly moderated only-what-you-want-to-say, it'd make great reading. Might even draw some of the official experts in, er, out, er, you know what I mean.

    I see why the official site is requiring identification -- it'll cut down on sockpuppetry. Kind of an Occam's Razor of bloggery -- entities should not be multiplied beyond one of each.

  2. I regret that having traded away my vintage thermobarygraph, I cannot lend it Eli to launch his new career as a scuba bunny .

    Anyway, at ~ 100 mili J/ tonne / year doubt the old brass and glass gadget would notice.


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.