Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Taking on our toughest challenges

The Christie cameo is probably no accident - enviros would love to split him off from the denialists.

P.S.  For my wonderful Santa Clara County voters, please vote Yes on Measure B!


  1. I'm not part of the "we", but I find this one spot on:

  2. Leaders lead, deniers deny, cowards hide and mimes mum.


  3. When NJ governor Chris Christie made a big state of emergency announcement last week, one of the first things he said was that he was ordering the casinos to close. Never heard him say a word about the nuke plants. Now if Christie had ordered the donut shops closed, then we would have known for sure that he was taking Sandy seriously.

    And regarding the earthquake that shook northern New Jersey yesterday morning, well, it was just Christie jumping up and down in frustration.

  4. "When NJ governor Chris Christie made a big state of emergency announcement last week, one of the first things he said was that he was ordering the casinos to close. Never heard him say a word about the nuke plants."

    Just how many tens of thousands of people take weekend junkets to nuke plants rather than casinos?

    Can you understand why Christie would want to keep people away from the affected coastal areas?

    Can you understand why a decision to shut down the nuke plants should be left to the professionals who run them, rather than some random politician?

  5. NPPs are heavily regulated by the NRC. Every potentially affected NPP had at least one NRC regulator on site.

  6. "enviros would love to split him off from the denialists."

    The Governor is a man of parts unrivaled since the good and great President Taft,

    Split off a whole clone and there's still be enough left to abstracta couple of Bloombergs and a Hillary.

  7. Well, it seems that Obama well and truly whipped Romney's arse.

    I wonder where the GOP will go to from here?

    Bernard J. Hyphen-Anonymous XVII, Esq.

  8. AI was pleased to hear Barack Obama, or Baz as we call him here in Australia, mention the climate in his victory speech.

    Yay Baz.

  9. Nope. Almost 50% of the hare still suffer severely from Myxomatosis over there where your burrow resides. Be careful, it's contagious.


  10. 8 November 2012
    ENSO Alert System Status: Not Active

    NOAA tweet


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