Thursday, November 15, 2012



  1. If this video did not exist , it would be necessary for Watts to invent it.

  2. When I rebooted my machine this evening and started up my browser I got the following message from Wordpress when I peeked at Judy's page:

    " has been terminated for violating the Terms of Service Agreement"

    Unfortunately as refresh left me looking at her blog. I really need to delete it from my default set of tabs...

  3. The original Symphony of Science on climate change was Our Biggest Challenge which is even better (and has Alley and Asimov).

    World of the Dinosaurs is also awesome.

  4. "Glorious Dawn" is still the best (mainly because Stephen Hawking has such an awesome singing voice)


  5. Al don't sing and Eli don't spell

  6. Blimey, that Stewart Lee's really let himself go (with apologies to non-Brit alt.comedy afficianadoes)

  7. Watts tried to counter Al Gore's 24 Hours of Reality broadcast. Here's the outcome in viewership.

    John Platt at Mother Nature Network wrote [1]

    (Update 11/15/12, 8 pm: As the 24-hour events concluded, the Climate Reality Project broadcast had exceeded 15.7 million views. The Watts Up with That broadcast totaled just over 16,000.)

    So there were about 1000 people watching Al Gore for every Wattsbot.


  8. So there were about 1000 people watching Al Gore for every Wattsbot.

    That seems quite unfair, as the Wattsathon is only a few hundred times worse than Gore 24 or the PBS auction.


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.