Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Steve Goddard Drowns in Millard Fillmore's Bathtub

One of the evergreens that have sprouted is the claim that Jim Hansen was wrong when asked in 1988 or so what the changes would be visible in 20 to 30 years looking down on Broadway from GISS
“The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change.” Then he said, “There will be more police cars.” Why? “Well, you know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.”
Well actually that is what Hansen said, but it does not include the derision that the Blogs of Denial have rained down upon his head in the intervening years, until yesterday.  Ed Darrell is busy drowning this one in the bathtub.

Why is Eli picking on Steve Goddard, when there is so much loose fruitcake out there?  Well, according to Ed and tonylearns, Goddard wrote this 23 times and said it uncounted others, the latest being about a month ago


  1. Bunnies are cute, soft and cuddly but have you ever been kicked by one? Steve Goddard has.

  2. Not to rain on Jim's hurricane , and I hope your burrow is dry , but I I sailed a VW bug to the West Side Waterway via the FDR canal during a thunderstorm in 1974 thunderstorm

  3. Water was moving down not up

  4. Snow Bunny says:

    If you thought Sandy was a fun gal, think of all the frolicking in the snow you may be doing this winter:

  5. So, the surge was 14 feet.

    Sea level has risen ( since before there were cars to drive ) by about a foot.

    What places in NY wouldn't have flooded and what places would still have flooded?

  6. "What places in NY wouldn't have flooded and what places would still have flooded?"

    The places that flooded would have been the same, but you are not supposed to know that.

  7. New Amsterdam did sport a canal, with tide gates, but it was paved over back in Mayor Hone's day.

    since subways tend to be below street level, to begin with , Canal Street Station may be among the last sucked dry

  8. "The places that flooded would have been the same, but you are not supposed to know that."

    Completely unevidenced and illogical faff from a troll who's so lame that he can't even squeeze out a pseudonym.

    Obviously Sandy has confronted said troll more than his neurone is able to process.

    Bernard J. Hyphen-Anonymous XVII, Esq.

  9. Steve Metzler1/11/12 10:16 AM

    Actually, Eli, what Reiss told Salon for that interview that is so often quoted by deniers was bad recollection on his part. But since when has quoting incorrect, out-of-date information ever bothered the deniers before?

    As it turns out, Reiss didn't ask Hansen what the West Side Highway would be like in 20 years time. Instead, he asked him what it would be like *in 40 years time if we also doubled CO2 to 560ppm*! It's all explained here:

    Examining Hansen's prediction about the West Side Highway

  10. So Hansen was grossly in error for not correcting the CO2 estimate?


  11. "So Hansen was grossly in error for not correcting the CO2 estimate?"

    No. Clytemnestra says hi. She's having fun.


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