Friday, August 10, 2012

Eunice Skates on Thin Ice

Eunice says
The waning ice is allowing the Arctic Ocean to cool off. Eunice thinks this will lead to more sea ice fairly soon.
Well yesm', after October, when the sun starts to set, but Eli points to where Neven does for a good guess about how thin the ice she is skating on is

That light blue stuff there is less than 2 meters, nothing much, the dark blue is water. Figures by Apocalypse4Real.  Yep


  1. Eunice isn't on the ice anymore.

  2. Yes, I think she's had to change her name to Nonice.

  3. It's the classic tale of less is more.

    Or, how someone hasn't been paying attention in class.


  4. Perhaps now would be an opportune moment to re-commission the USS Skate, sail to (near) the pole, and take some publicity shots.

    Tony Wattbott could then claim an archiving error.

  5. Sigh.

    Where ice loss has been greatest, the ocean has lost heat.

    Where the ice remains, the ocean has been gained heat.

    Heat causing ice loss - then why the anti-correlation?


  6. Eunice: "Where the ice remains, the ocean has been gained heat".

    In best "cheese shop" fashion, explain the logic underlying that conclusion, please. Bear in mind that in the skit, the customer is armed and motivated.

  7. I hope my martini doesn't freeze up when the ice melts.

  8. So, what you're saying is, the ocean's still warmer where the ice hasn't melted yet?

  9. Not bad, Eunice. About on par with a denier's comment I read last year, where someone wrote: "Just because the temperature is going up doesn't mean it's getting warmer."

  10. Does Eunice also blog under the name "Goddard", or is she just parroting that source of heaping steaming ... blog "science".

  11. As I said, Eunice isn't on the ice anymore. At least not the ice on this planet.

  12. Eunice, the 2nd lowest sea ice year (until this one) was 2008. The year AFTER the record. So, the correlation between record year and rebound isn't great. The gain from albedo change and the continued gain from the increase in GHGs is going to dwarf the effect of heat loss due to more open water. Sorry, it isn't a self-healing process. (And I do with it were.)

  13. Eunice,

    Perhaps you can explain what relevance heat anomaly maps from 2011 have to do with ice area and thickness maps from August 2012?

    Please check out the August 2012 (first week) SST anomalies:

    Paul H

  14. Paul,

    my point is that the loss of sea ice is allowing the Arctic Ocean to cool off.


  15. Now some, not Eli to be sure, would say that Eunice means that where there is ice, the sea is warmer. Is that your point?

  16. Yes!

    Eunice thinks the sea ice is the great pool cover for the Arctic.

  17. Bremen reports a car crash. We'll soon see if the other CCTV cameras caught it.

  18. Now some, not Eli to be sure, would say that Eunice means that where there is ice, the sea is warmer. Is that your point?


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