Monday, August 06, 2012

Curiosity and the Rabett

For all you out there where it is daytime or the insomniacs, first the blurb

then the live stuff (that was last night here is the replay. Eli and the Night Owls never saw people so happy as after they knew it was on the surface and transmitting


  1. And a 'live' simulation can be found here:

    Watching both :)

  2. Watching it on the NASA channel on TV. Sounds like things are going OK.

  3. And the crazy Rube Goldberg thing appears to have worked correctly! Right on time. But you know, you can't trust those lying NASA scientists!

  4. It was so awesome

    Thanks for posting this!

  5. John Holdren deserves respect for putting aside his green baggage to celebrate America's engineering prowess in becoming the first nation to land an SUV on Mars.

  6. Turboblocke6/8/12 7:35 AM

    Yuck: the second video came with an ad for natural gas.

  7. I camped out to watch it live (well, I was going to be awake and on the internet then anyway; might as well geek out with an historic event in space science). So much joy, they even let a little profanity slip into the stream. :)


  8. I hung out at NASA Ames with several thousand other people last night to watch the show. Pretty fun.

  9. You guys are so gullible -- the whole thing is a hoax. It's all part of a plot to take hard-earned tax dollars from god-fearing Americans and give it to liberal scientists.

    Look -- if some 180 nations can get together and secretly add a fake warming trend to their raw temperature data without anyone being the wiser, then NASA/JPL can certainly fake a Mars landing...

    --caerbannog the anonybunny, who's learned a few things about tinfoil-hat conspiracy-mongering from the AGW denier crowd.

  10. thanks for sharing.

  11. Great post. Question is, will the Chinese be the first to actually land a man on the red planet?


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