Friday, September 02, 2011

Land of Hope and Glory

Read the comments, it's a stew of depressing, snarky and hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. This discussion reminded me of the book by Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish Became White, which looks fascinating. I haven't actually gotten around to reading it.
    Race isn't really a scientific category. The anthropologists tell us that we're all descended from a small group of hominids in Africa some 100,000-150,000 years ago. We're all Africans.

    -ye old perfesser


Dear Anonymous,

UPDATE: The spambots got clever so the verification is back. Apologies

Some of the regulars here are having trouble telling the anonymice apart. Please add some distinguishing name to your comment such as Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or Fred.

You can stretch the comment box for more space

The management.